Universal tools for analysing structures and interactions in geometry
https://doi.org/10.15649/2346075X.3602Palabras clave:
geometric transformations, symmetry, perspective, invariance, Möbius transformResumen
This study examined symmetry and perspective in modern geometric transformations, treating them as functions that preserve specific properties while mapping one geometric figure to another. The purpose of this study was to investigate geometric transformations as a tool for analysis, to consider invariants as universal tools for studying geometry. Materials and Methods: The Erlangen ideas of F. I. Klein were used, which consider geometry as a theory of group invariants with respect to the transformation of the plane and space. Results and Discussion: Projective transformations and their extension to two-dimensional primitives were investigated. Two types of geometric correspondences, collinearity and correlation, and their properties were studied. The group of homotheties, including translations and parallel translations, and their role in the affine group were investigated. Homology with ideal line axes, such as stretching and centre stretching, was considered. Involutional homology and harmonic homology with the centre, axis, and homologous pairs of points were investigated. In this study unified geometry concepts, exploring how different geometric transformations relate and maintain properties across diverse geometric systems. Conclusions: It specifically examined Möbius transforms, including their matrix representation, trace, fixed points, and categorized them into identical transforms, nonlinear transforms, shifts, dilations, and inversions.
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