Editorial Policies

Scope of the journal
" AiBi, Journal of Research, Management and Engineering is an international scientific journal published every four months, in electronic format, which seeks to disseminate knowledge in the areas of Engineering and Technology, especially in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Computer Science, Environmental Engineering and other Engineering and Technologies, and in the area of Social Sciences, specifically in Economics and Business and Educational Sciences. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal should be products of research, review and reflection that can be submitted in Spanish or English for subsequent peer review.

The Journal provides immediate open access to its content, in order to promote a greater global exchange of knowledge, so there is NO charge for submission or processing of papers. In order to guarantee that the Journal is free of charge, the University of Santander provides the human, technical and financial resources necessary for the edition and production of the publication.

Target audience
It is directed to the national and international academic and scientific community, as well as to decision-makers in the governmental and business spheres, and other people interested in the topics addressed. AiBi aims to become a reference of high scientific quality with recognition from the national and international academic community.

Acceptance criteria
1.1 Originality. All manuscripts submitted to the Journal must be original and unpublished, and must not have been published or submitted to other journals or printed/electronic media for publication.

1.2 Writing. The writing should be impersonal, concise and technical; it is suggested to avoid the use of redundant terms, unless the use of synonyms affects the meaning of what is to be expressed.

1.3 Types of Articles. The AiBi Journal publishes and considers for possible publication the following types of manuscripts:

a. Scientific and technological research article. A document that presents, in detail, the original results of research projects.
b. Reflection article. A document that presents research results from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources.
c. Review article. A document resulting from a research in which the results of published or unpublished research on a field of science or technology are analyzed, systematized and integrated, in order to report on the progress and development trends. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.

1.4 Language. Papers may be submitted in Spanish and English; preferably in English, taking into account that it increases the visibility that will be reflected in the citation of the article.

1.5 Format. The content of the manuscript should be written in Word word processor format (.doc or .docx).

1.6 Structure. The standard structure established by the AiBi Journal for the preparation of submitted articles is described below:

a) Original or research articles: includes articles derived from specialization, master's degree, doctoral thesis, free projects or academic promotion works. They must contain the following sections:

Title of the work: it should be included in primary and secondary language - Authors' data: full names and surnames of each author, the last academic degree obtained, Institutional e-mail, ORCID (can be obtained at: orcid.org), institutional affiliation, city and country.
Abstract: minimum length of 150 words and maximum of 300 words, the use of abbreviations and highly specialized terms should be avoided, it should not contain equations, figures or tables. This type of abstract summarizes the concepts, approaches, proposals or ideas, following the structural organization of the original text, highlighting its essential elements. The structure of the abstract will be as follows: Background, Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusion.
Key words: these are terms that help to identify the main themes or aspects of the article (it is recommended to use specific Unesco Thesauri). They are written in alphabetical order, a minimum of three and a maximum of eight.
Introduction: it should contextualize the reader on the topics covered in the article.
Theoretical framework: including background, justification and fundamental concepts.
Methodology or procedures: it will be presented with the precision that is convenient for the reader to understand and confirm the development of the research. Previously published methods such as indexes or techniques should be described only briefly and the corresponding citations should be provided, unless modifications have been made to them. The calculation of the sample size and the sampling method used, if any, should be described. Reference should be made to the type of statistical analysis used. If it is an original methodology, it is necessary to state the reasons that have led to its use and describe its possible limitations.
Results, analysis and interpretation: the findings should be summarized, relating the observations to other studies of interest and pointing out their contributions and limitations. Data or other material already discussed in other sections should not be repeated in detail. Mention inferences from the findings and their limitations, including deductions for future research.
Conclusions: they describe in a timely manner the authors' appraisals of the development of the work and the results reported in the manuscript.
Recommendations: incorporate the recommendations of the study.
Acknowledgements or financing: by means of a short paragraph it is possible to thank people and/or institutions that have collaborated in the development of the research (Optional)
Tables, charts, graphs, photographs and maps: see section 2.5
vee section 2.6

Download original or research article format.

b) Review articles: includes monographic articles of consultation of bibliographic sources on the state of the art. They must contain at least 50 references from primary and secondary sources. (Download review article format) As a reference for the presentation of the articles the following sections are presented:

Title, authors' data, abstract, keywords
Methodology or procedures
Results, analysis and interpretation
Tables, charts, graphs, photographs and maps (if any)

c) Critical reflection articles: They are defined as academic essays, argued, supported and with critical position of the author on topics framed within the fields of action of the Journal. (Download critical reflection article format). Although its structure is flexible, it could contain the following sections:

Title, authors' data, abstract, keywords
Thematic development

2. Article preparation

2.1 Length: the maximum length for each type of article is: 25 pages for research products, 20 pages for review articles and 15 pages for critical reflection articles.

2.2 Typography: Times New Roman, the sheet must be letter size US style, i.e. 215.9mm (8.5") wide and 279.4mm (11") long.

2.3 Margins: top: 4 cm; bottom: 3 cm; right: 3 cm; left: 4 cm. Spacing: single.

2.4 Font sizes:

Item component

Font size and guidelines

Article title

Font size 24 point.

Name of Authors

Font size 11 point.

Author's subsidiary information: Name University and Departments

Font size 10 point italic.


Body of the article

Font size 9 points.


9 point size with Courier font.

Contents in tables, figure captions, references to objects, etc.

8 points.


Fonty size 10 points.

Paragraph and Character Styles.

Title: all words in capital letters except articles, conjunctions and prepositions of up to three letters.


It is written in bold, without formulas or references.

Indexing terms or keyword

In alphabetical order, in Bold, abbreviations.


Explanation of symbols and acronyms.

Section headings

There are 4 levels, and they are numbered with Roman numerals, letters, and Arabic numerals. Indentation and italics are used.

2.5 Tables, figures, graphs and equations:

• They should be numbered with Arabic numerals, consecutively and referenced within the text (example: Table 1). For equations the numbering will be placed in parentheses on the far right side.
• Its title must be written with central tabulation, in initial capital letters, at the top of the object.
• At the bottom, specify the source.
• Tables must be edited in Word, it is necessary to avoid tables inserted as graphic objects.
• Images must be submitted as separate .jpg or .tiff files with a maximum resolution of 580 pixels wide. The name of these files must include the corresponding figure number (i.e. Figure1.jpg).
• Statistical graphs should be sent separately in an Excel file.
• It is necessary to avoid equations inserted as graphical objects and for this purpose it is recommended to use the Microsoft Word equation editor.

2.6 Citations and references: Articles are written according to the IEEE standard. References are listed one by one. A number cannot be used for a group of references. There should be no section of the Bibliography that has not been cited.. Citing and referencing should be done with the support of a bibliographic manager or Word reference tool. In the text: IEEE does not require mentioning the author and title in the text. It is inserted in the grammar of the sentence as if they were footnotes or nouns. The minimum number of references for original articles is 20, for review articles 50 and for reflection articles 30.

See guide

Examples of bibliographic citations:

Example notes: as demonstrated by Brown [4], [5]; and mentioned earlier [2], [4]-[7], [9]; Smith [4] and Brown and Jones [5]; Wood et al. [7].

Three or more authors are listed first and "et al. (abbreviation of et alii, "and others" in Latin).

Example of references

Magazine articles

[1] M. Ito et al., “Application of amorphous oxide TFT to electrophoretic display”, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, vol. 354, no. 19, pp. 2777–2782, feb. 2008.

[2] R. Fardel, M. Nagel, F. Nuesch, T. Lippert, y A. Wokaun, “Fabrication of organic light emitting diode pixels by laser-assisted forward transfer”, Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 91, no. 6, 2007.


[1] L. H. van Vlack, Elements of Materials Science and Engineering. Reading, MA, USA; Madrid: Addison-Wesley, 1990.

[2] D. Lohwasser y Z. Chen, Friction Stir Welding: From Basics to Applications. Aukland, New Zealand: University of Waikato, 2009.

Technical Reports

[1] E. E. Reber, R. L. Michell, y C. J. Carter, “Oxygen absorption in the earth’s atmosphere”, Aerospace Corp., Los Angeles, CA, USA, Tech. Rep. TR0200 (4230-46)-3, nov. 1988.

[2] J. H. Davis y J. R. Cogdell, “Calibration program for the 16-foot antenna”, Elect. Eng. Res. Lab., Univ. Texas, Austin, Tech. Memo. NGL-006-69- 3, abr. 1987.

Doctoral Works

[1] J. O. Williams, “Narrow-band analyzer”, tesis doctoral, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA, 1993.

[2] T. Ballesteros Egüés, “Diseño, fabricación y ensayo de estructuras autodesplegables de protección al vuelco (AD-ROPS)”, tesis doctoral, Univ. Púb. Navarra, 2015.


[1] Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, “IEEE - The world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity2, 2016. [Online]. Available: https://www.ieee.org/index.html. [Accedido: 27-jun-2016].

3. Editorial Process

3.1 Shipment process: authors interested in submitting a manuscript for possible publication must:

• Prepare the work according to the guidelines established in section (2) of the editorial policies.
• The manuscript must be accompanied by the following complementary documents: Letter of presentation and originality, Act of assignment of rights and author's file.
• The application is made after registration through the Open Journal System (OJS) platform: Submission of the manuscript with the complementary documents.

3.2 Initial review: the evaluation time from the time the article is submitted until it is submitted to the evaluation process and eventual publication may last from 5 to 8 months approximately. Once the manuscript is received, the Editorial Committee:
• Verifies compliance with the requirements established by the Journal in the Instructions to Authors. Once this process is completed, the result is communicated to the authors, which may be (a) Rejected, (b) Accepted subject to adjustments and (c) Accepted to begin peer review.
• Papers may be rejected in the first evaluation for the following reasons: the subject matter is not pertinent to the guidelines of the AiBi Journal, it is not an original work (verification of coincidences with the Ithenticate tool).
• Accepted papers subject to adjustments in the first evaluation are returned for the following reason: incorrect and incomplete presentation of the manuscript or its complementary documents (as established in the editorial guidelines).
• Manuscripts accepted for peer review continue the editorial process.

3.3 Peer review: Manuscripts accepted for academic peer review:
• They are referred to at least two external national and/or international referees with academic and research suitability and expertise in the area of the manuscript.
• A third referee or peer reviewer will be sent if any of the evaluations is negative or if after fifteen days no response is received from any of the peer reviewers.
• For the arbitration process, AiBi Journal uses the "double-blind" procedure, where the identities of the reviewers will not be known by the author(s) and, in turn, the peer reviewers will not know the identity(ies) of the author(s), in order to maintain the impartiality of the evaluation.
• The reviewers assigned to the manuscript will take into account the following dimensions to advance the evaluation process (see Guide for peer review):
• Scientific rigor of the article.
• Novelty of the topic and validity of its approaches.
• Internal and external coherence of the approaches.
• Efficiency of the argumentation.
• Adequacy, sufficiency and timeliness of bibliographic citations.
• Effectiveness in the use of graphic aspects.
• Adjustment of editorial aspects to IEEE standards for Journal publication.
• Submission of the language to the requirements of scientific rigor.

• The result of the review by the reviewer can be:
• Accepted: the paper will be published as received and only spelling and style adjustments will be made.
• Accepted with minor changes: the work will be published when the authors comply with and/or support the adjustments suggested by the reviewers; these will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee and/or the peer reviewer (if he/she deems it necessary), who will decide whether they are accepted or not.
• Accepted with major changes: the paper must be corrected both in content and form according to the suggestions made by the peer reviewers. The new version of the paper will have, once again, the corresponding evaluation by the peers who will determine if the authors followed the respective suggestions.
• Rejected: the paper is not recommended for publication.

3.4 Editorial Committee Decision: once the Editor and Editorial Committee receive the results of the evaluations issued by the referees:
• Will define and communicate to the authors any of the following responses: Accepted, Accepted with minor changes, Accepted with major changes, Rejected.
• If the work is accepted with adjustments, the Editor of the Journal will return to the corresponding author the work and the list of recommendations of the referees, which must be made and sent to the Editorial Committee within a maximum period of 15 calendar days in CHANGE CONTROL FORM, together with a letter sent by the author to each evaluator where each of the suggestions made to the manuscript are answered.
• The Editor together with the Editorial Committee will determine the final acceptance, considering the comments of the peer reviewers after the verification process of the corrections made by the author(s).
• In each case the Journal will communicate to the corresponding author(s) the results of the evaluation process with sufficient arguments to support the decision of the Editorial Committee.
• If the work is Accepted, the work begins the process of style and design correction.

Note: due to the evaluation process, it is not possible to assure the authors the immediate publication of their papers.

3.5 Style and Design Correction: after the peer review process, the Editor of the Journal proceeds:
• To carry out the morpholinguistic and style correction and send the respective suggestions to the authors.
• Receive the corrections from the authors, who may make, suggest modifications and approve changes of form.
• Send the work to start the layout process.
• Send in PDF format to the authors, the last layout proof for revision. Changes in the structure of already accepted works are not allowed. The final approved artwork is sent for the last phase of the publication process.

3.6 Publication: the final arts in final version:
• They will be published in PDF, HTML, Journal edition (online) formats
• Each manuscript is provided with a digital DOI identifier which facilitates its location on the Internet through metadata.

3.7 Post-publication: the AiBi Journal accepts "post-print" publication in repositories and websites if it is done without generating derivative works and not for profit, citing the source and authorship respectively. Likewise, the Journal makes articles available to the scientific community in third-party repositories, national and international indexes.

3.8 Errata and retractions. The AiBi Journal follows the recommendations issued by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) to deal with errata and retractions arising from scientific malpractice, in order to promote scientific integrity and communication of science in those circumstances that have not been identified in the process of editing the manuscript. Errata and retractions may be due to unintentional or intentional errors such as: plagiarism, use of inadequate methodology, fabrication or falsification of irreproducible data that invalidate the conclusions.
• In the case of errata, the original document is maintained and the correction is recorded at the end of the text with reference to the document that published the erratum.
• In the case of retractions, the original document is replaced by another document indicating the reasons for the withdrawal and the document being retracted is indicated.