Incidence of the monetary aggregates associated to the liquidity of the public on the profitability of the venezuelan private banks (period 2009-2012).
monetary aggregates, liquidity, public, profitability, private banking.Abstract
The objective of the study was to determine the incidence of monetary aggregates associated to the liquidity of the public, on
the profitability of the Venezuelan private banks for the period 2009-2012, for which purpose it was necessary to describe the behavior of
monetary aggregates historical associated to the liquidity of the public; describe the historical behavior of the profitability of banks; and to
establish the impact of the monetary aggregates associated to the liquidity of the public in the profitability of the banks. It was a quantitative
study, with documentary and descriptive level design, applied in Banesco Banco Universal, C.A., Banco Mercantil, C.A., and Banco
Provincial, S.A. in relation to the behavior of monetary aggregates historical associated to the liquidity of the public, the money M1 showed
positive availability, the quasi-money presented instability in their growth, monetary liquidity (M2) showed positive behavior as well as the da
M3, being favorable for both the monetary aggregates as for the national economic system. With regard to the historical behavior of the
profitability of banks studied, it is the entity that experienced better overall results in the indicators of profitability was Mercantil Banco
Universal, followed by Banesco Banco Universal, C.A. and finally Provincial Bank S.A., Universal Bank. About the impact of the monetary
aggregates associated to the liquidity of the public in the profitability of the banking, are manifested mainly negative correlations, that is to
say relations of inverse correlation, which indicates to the degree that it increases the performance of the indicators of the monetary
aggregates, decreases the values of the indicators of profitability of the banking sector. The monetary aggregates most affect the profitability
of commercial bank Banco Universal, not being the key indicators for the generation of income in BanescoBanco Universal, C.A. and Banco
Provincial S.A., Universal Bank.
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