Didactic strategy for Engineering Algebra teaching - first iteration





modeling, technology, algebra


The investigations related to Educational Technology are characterized by an acceleration in the emerging research themes and follow the current trends. This will lead to a lack of attention to the methodological rigor and the complete potential of the Technology in learning processes. The present work addresses the issues of the deficiencies in the specific competencies presented by the students in the engineering assignments related to Algebra by means of the DBR methodology as a general basis for the development of one of its stages, starting with the situation - diagnostic of the problem, taking into account the opinion of experts, the application of an evaluation tool with the main competencies related to Algebra required by the Engineering students and a technology appropriation survey. Then presents the first iteration of design and development of the didactic strategy, which is based on the didactic suitability of the Ontosemiotic Approach (EOS) and uses the NOOC as digital technology that conveys letter with the level Algebra area required by engineering students.

Author Biographies

Hugo Moreno-Reyes, Tecnológico Nacional de México - Santiago de Querétaro, México

Profesor investigador, Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigación y Docencia en Educación Técnica

Claudia Ivonne Arámbula-García, Universidad de Santander - Cúcuta, Colombia

Ingeniera de Produccion Agroindustrial (Norte de Santander) con Maestria en Gerencia de Empresas Enfoque Industria (Posgrado )



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How to Cite

H. Moreno-Reyes, M. G. de L. Acosta-Castillo, and C. I. Arámbula-García, “Didactic strategy for Engineering Algebra teaching - first iteration”, AiBi Revista de Investigación, Administración e Ingeniería, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 64–79, Jan. 2024.



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