Efecto de annealing sobre las propiedades estructurales, térmicas y mecánicas de la composición de aleación binaria Al85 Ni 15
https://doi.org/10.15649/2346075X.514Palabras clave:
Al-Ni binary alloys, Arc melting, Heattreatment, Microstructure and Mechanical propertiesResumen
Introduction: The Al 85-Ni15 alloy with 99.99% purity of Al and Ni were prepared by an arc melting technique system. The annealing effect onthe microstructure properties, phase transformation and micro-hardness for the Al-Ni alloy system were investigated. Material and Methods:
The alloys were characterized by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) as well as Vickers micro-hardness measurement. Results and Discussion: The quantitative results confirm that the chemical composition of the alloys is very close to compositions and the microstructures are in typical lamellar morphology. Mechanical properties for the as-prepared samples and subsequently heat-treated samples were measured by a Vickers indenter. Values of the micro-hardness (HV) Conclusions: According the XRD pattern analysis a multi phases produced, such as Al, AlNi3
in room temperature, Al3Ni2, Al0.42Ni0.58 at 200ºC, Al1.1Ni0.9 at 300ºC and Al 0.802Ni0.198, AlNi3 and AlNi at 400ºC, and Al0.802Ni0.198, AlNi3 and AlNi for 500ºC. Similar approached were obtained from the results of SEM and DTA measurements. Annealing treatments are visibly affecting the alloy phase formation with different phases at different temperature. and the elastic modulus (E) of the as prepared sample are 132.9±0.1 kgfmm-2 (1.329±0.1 GPa) and 80.340±0.1 GPa, respectively. Furthermore, the characteristic of the materials plasticity (δH) value was calculated to be 0.85. The micro-hardness values are decrease with the increase of annealing temperatures.
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