Emprendemat, its influence on the development of economic and financial skills in the youth of the region of Catatumbo-Colombia.


  • Magda Celene Castillo-Duarte Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • José Leonardo Jácome-Carrascal Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Mawency Vergel-Ortega Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander




entrepreneurship, mathematics, skills, collaborative work


The objective of this research was to create a pedagogical strategy to strengthen the mathematical competencies of economic and financial education in eighth grade students of the institutions of the Convention and the municipality of Tarra, through collaborative work to develop business ideas based on EMPRENDEMAT. The research had a mixed approach that linked quantitative and qualitative data, of a quasi-experimental and analytical type. The research benefited 250 students between the ages of 13 and 16. As a result, the economic and financial education project allowed the identification of educational competencies that strengthen the development of mathematical skills in students in whom collaborative work and entrepreneurial spirit are implemented, based on mathematics as a transversal project. Pedagogical strategies based on EMPRENDEMAT were developed, which motivated students to enrich their mathematical knowledge and apply them in their daily lives. Likewise, it was determined that with the EMPRENDEMAT pedagogical strategy, the classroom experience is humanized and the students overcome context barriers, thereby achieving a social presence in the Catatumbo community. This generates workflow states characterized by high motivation, decision making based on evidence, concentration, interest, curiosity; because the student is immersed through strategy, in the challenge, enjoyment, teamwork to achieve goals. As elements of the impact of the pedagogical strategies on EMPRENDEMAT, it was determined that the student perceives greater closeness to a real context, links theory with practice, applies knowledge, achieves greater retention of concepts, improves academic performance in mathematics, strengthens educational competences economic and financial, as well as technical skills used in the administration and management of a business idea for evidence-based decision making.

Author Biographies

Magda Celene Castillo-Duarte, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander - Colombia

José Leonardo Jácome-Carrascal, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander - Colombia

Mawency Vergel-Ortega, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander - Colombia


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How to Cite

M. C. . Castillo-Duarte, J. L. . Jácome-Carrascal, and M. . Vergel-Ortega, “Emprendemat, its influence on the development of economic and financial skills in the youth of the region of Catatumbo-Colombia”., AiBi Revista de Investigación, Administración e Ingeniería, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 53–57, Jan. 2020.



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