Structural model of correlation between healthy practices and strategy, in health institutions of the Colombian-Venezuelan border.
Organizational strategies, healthy practices, structural model, health institutions, border.Abstract
In health institutions management is necessary under the perspective of healthy practices, in order to start favorably in work and organizational efficiency, taking into account the workloads and work stress to which hospital workers are subjected. In these terms, the objective of the research was to establish a structural model to determine the relationship between organizational strategies and healthy practices in the Lending Institutions of Health (IPS) of the Colombian-Venezuelan border area. The methodology was quantitative, correlational and confirmatory factor analysis, applied to a sample of 50 institutions. The phases of the analysis were: field work to identify and describe healthy strategies and practices in the companies under study; the identification of the associated factors through exploratory factor analysis; Confirmatory analysis and contrast of results with theoretical conceptualization. The results indicate that the variables planning, human resource and environment, have no impact or associated with the strategy, while the varied stakeholders has a high relationship. It is concluded that the first order factors of the structural model are made up of observable variables with statistically significant factor loads.
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