Characterization of the residues from the harvest of the harton banana for potential industrial use


  • Anderson Oswaldo Florez-Vargas Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Jorge Sánchez-Molina Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Jessica Viviana Sánchez-Zuñiga Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander



Banana, Agro-industrial waste, Industry, Circular Economy, Norte de Santander


The present investigation characterized the residues of the banana harvest (Musa Paradisiaca Spp) produced in the village of La Alejandra, municipality of Zulia, Norte de Santander, Colombia. The objective of the study is to identify properties that can be useful for their incorporation into the industrial processes of the region, strengthening the circular economy of the department and helping to reduce the environmental impact generated by poor waste management. The parts of the plant that were studied belong to the pith, rachis, leaves and husks, and moisture measurements were taken on each sample. Once they were dry, they were milled to prepare flours, determining the granulometry and milling yield in two types of mills commonly used in the region (hammer and disc). Finally, the flours were calcined according to ISO 2171 and NTC 282 standards, obtaining ashes to which X-ray fluorescence tests were performed to estimate the chemical constitution of the samples. The results showed a large amount of water in the general composition of the green waste, the yield of the mills was very similar, however, the granulometry was different, obtaining smaller diameter grains in the flours produced in the hammer mill with respect to the disc mill. The chemical composition revealed a high concentration of K2O followed by other oxides such as CaO, P2O5.and SiO2, mainly. The values of the analyses show favourable conditions for industrial applications, especially in the food, chemical and paper sectors.


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How to Cite

A. O. Florez-Vargas, J. Sánchez-Molina, and J. V. Sánchez-Zuñiga, “Characterization of the residues from the harvest of the harton banana for potential industrial use”, AiBi Revista de Investigación, Administración e Ingeniería, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 13–16, Sep. 2020.



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