PDCA methodology for improving process management in a natural products company
implementation, PDCA methodology, missional processes, support processes, natural productAbstract
In the current context, production as an essential factor seeks to be developed in many companies through models that contribute to the reduction of merchandise rotation times, the number of defective products and greater productivity. This research was carried out with the purpose of implementing the methodology PDCA to improve process management in a natural products company. The research had a mixed approach (qualitative and quantitative), applied, with explanatory scope and quasi-experimental design. The missionary and support processes of a natural products processing company were taken as the object of research. The collection techniques used were direct observation and documentary review with instruments such as the observation guide and the recording of documentary information. Based on the initial diagnosis, implementation and comparative analysis, an increase in productivity from 0.632 to 1.644 bags/sol was obtained; The index of centralization to the strategy decreased from 4 to 0.8, as well as the index for process control increased from 75.35% to 80.37%. Likewise, better management was observed, which generated a decrease in average rotation times from 16 to 10 days, a lower number of defective products and better work performance. It was concluded that the PDCA methodology allowed the improvement of process management, also contributing to relationships and the work environment.
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