Instructions to authors


Online Submission

If you wish to make a new submission , you must register in the journal (register), or if you are already registered you can simply identify yourself, if you have any inconvenience to do so, please communicate it to the e-mail

Article Types

Original Research and Innovation Articles: These articles should be unpublished manuscripts reporting on original research in the fields of biology, chemistry, biochemistry, physics, mathematics, engineering, and computer science. Manuscripts should present new and significant findings with the potential to advance scientific knowledge in their respective fields.

Short Communications: Short communications are unpublished reports on partial or final research results in the aforementioned fields. These findings should be of significant importance and warrant rapid dissemination.

Systematic Reviews: Systematic reviews are comprehensive analyses of research related to a specific question. They employ organized, transparent, and replicable procedures at each stage of the review process. Systematic reviews are critical evaluations that aim to analyze the essential information from primary research studies on a specific topic or problem in the specified areas. They aim to account for current knowledge, identify trends, and highlight advancements in the field.

To approach the systematic review it is suggested to rely on the protocols: PRISMA(Link) or JBI(Link ). Although these are focused on medicine, many of their principles and guidelines are applicable and reproducible in any area of knowledge.

Systematic reviews can be commissioned by the Editorial Board from subject-matter experts, or submitted by professionals interested in a specific topic. In the latter case, authors must have relevant publications or certified experience in the chosen topic.

General considerations before submitting an article.

  • By submitting a manuscript to INNOVACIENCIA, authors implicitly or explicitly confirm (through their signature) that:
  • They have thoroughly reviewed and followed the author instructions.
  • All listed authors meet the internationally accepted criteria for authorship.
  • No eligible author has been excluded from the list.
  • All authors are aware of and agree to the final submitted manuscript version.
  • No behavior violating scientific integrity or publication ethics has occurred.

Instructions for authors

Double-Blind Review:To ensure anonymity, a double-blind review process is used. Authors must submit two versions of their manuscript: Anonymous version: This version should exclude any information that could identify the authors. Complete version: This version should include all author details. Both versions should be submitted in a Microsoft Word-compatible format.

Additional Documents (*Obligatory)

The following completed documents must also be uploaded in PDF format:

The corresponding author must submit a concise cover letter addressed to the editor. This letter should:

  • Briefly describe the scientific objective of the article.
  • Explain why the article is suitable for publication in this journal.
  • Mention if Artificial Intelligence (AI) was used in the research. If so, briefly describe its application.
  • Include a list of three potential reviewers (national and international) with their contact information (name, institutional affiliation, ORCID, and email).

Important Notes: Potential reviewers should not be affiliated with the same institution as the authors. All files (manuscripts, forms, cover letter) must be uploaded through the "Submissions" link. Ensure all metadata fields are completed for each author before submitting the manuscript. Incomplete information will delay the editorial process.


For optimal reproduction, please submit figures only in TIF (halftone/photographs) or EPS (line art) or format.
Scanned images: Ensure the scanning resolution (at final image size) meets these requirements:
• Line drawings: > 800 dpi
• Halftones: > 300 dpi
• Figures containing both line art and halftone images: > 600 dpi
If you are not the original author of the figures, you must provide written permission for their use from the copyright holder (publishing house or individual).

SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: Send the following independent editable files. Citations for any literature referenced within a Supplementary Material file should be listed in a References Cited section at the end of the file, even when a citation is duplicated in the main body of the paper. 

Supplementary Tables 

If your manuscript includes extensive tables with important data that cannot be easily incorporated into the main Word document, you can submit them as separate supplementary files. These files should be in Excel or a compatible format. Ensure tables are properly numbered sequentially (Table S1, Table S2, etc.). Each table should have a corresponding caption in the main text.

Supplementary Figures

Images that are secondary but add value to your manuscript can be submitted as separate complementary files. These files should be numbered sequentially (Figure S1, Figure S2, etc.). Each figure should have a corresponding caption in the main text.



Manuscripts may be up to 7000 words (excluding abstracts, online methods, references, table and figure legends) and no less than 3000 words, with an abstract of no more than 250 words, 4 to 8 figures and/or tables (additional figures and/or tables and Methods may be submitted as supplementary material), and no more than 70 references. Manuscripts should be submitted as Word and continuous line numbers.

  1. Title: It should be short in English, not exceeding 15 words, using capital letters only at the beginning of the sentence. It should not contain abbreviations, parentheses or formulas (key terms should be used to facilitate location through electronic search engines). For full-text manuscripts in Spanish, the title should be in Spanish and English. For full-text manuscripts in English, the title should be presented in English.
  2. Authors' names: They should follow the title. Full first and last names, most recent academic degree and institutional affiliation, telephone number, e-mail address of the corresponding author and ORCID of each author should be included.
  3. Highlights: Authors should provide two or three self-authored sentences representing relevant aspects of the publication, each between 15 and 30 words.
  4. Abstract: The paper should include a structured abstract (introduction, objective, materials and methods, results, discussion and conclusions) in both Spanish (only if it is the original language) and English, each of no more than 250 words. The use of references is not allowed, nor is the inclusion of acronyms or abbreviations in the abstracts recommended. For full-text manuscripts in English.
  5. Key words: Three to five key words; they are the key concepts and articulators of the development of the article. They should be presented in both Spanish and English, and must be directly related to the topic presented in the article. These key words in articles in the health areas must be registered in the BIREME's Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS) on the web page: For other areas of science you can consult the following lists of thesauri: Sena Colombia:; European Union:; European Education Thesaurus:;
  6. Tables: They should be numbered sequentially as follows(Table 1, Table 2, etc.) have a legend and be included in the manuscript in editable Word format. In the footnotes to the table, all necessary explanations (abbreviations, symbols, statistical test used for the calculation of the p-value) should appear. In the percentage data, for decimals (present two decimals and the "n" in parentheses),e.g. 10.27%(14). In case your manuscript contains original data in extensive tables with relevant information that cannot be incorporated as a Word file, submit them as a Supplementary file in Excel format. These files should be properly numbered and have an associated legend in the text. Their identification should appear as follows: Table S1, Table S2, etc.
  7. Figures: They should be numbered sequentially, have a legend and be included in the manuscript. In the footnotes to the figure, all necessary explanations (abbreviations, symbols, statistical test used for the calculation of the p-value) should appear. In the percentage data, for decimals (present two decimals and the "n" in parentheses), e.g. 10.27%(14). If the figures are not of your authorship, without exception, you must send us the authorization signed by the publishing house or person who holds the copyright where you grant permission for publication. If required, some figures can also be uploaded as supplementary material.

Abbreviations and acronyms: They are noted in parentheses after the first time they appear, in full and in the original language, the terms that are abbreviated. The use and creation of acronyms that are not universally recognized should be avoided.

Taxonomic nomenclature: The taxonomic names of genus and species should be written in italics. The names of microorganisms are written in full the first time they are cited, including in the title and abstract; thereafter, only the initial of the genus and the full name of the species are used.

  1. Text or body of the paper: should follow the IMRED format: Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions. In addition, Acknowledgements (if applicable) and References (Vancouver).
  • Introduction. The purpose of this section is to contextualize the reader about the content of the article. It implies a recapitulation of the topic to be developed, the theoretical advances and research background that support the work developed in the article. It implies a sample of the relevance of the work, at the end of which the objective(s) is/are mentioned. All duly cited.
  • Materials and methods. The type of study, the design of the study, the characteristics of the population in which it was carried out, the groups that were formed and the way in which it was constructed, all the techniques and the elements that were used during the realization of the work should be described. Also describe the methods and/or strategies used to arrive at the results and their interpretation (statistical analysis). In case of using any software, include the version and refer to it. For a better understanding and synthesis of this section you can include a flow chart that describes part of the process. In case the research contemplates the participation of humans and animals, the ethical considerations of the work should be included in this section. Similarly, if the research involves natural resources (plants, microorganisms, or biodiversity samples), authors must confirm compliance with national regulations. 
  • Results. The results obtained by applying the methods described in the previous item should be presented in a logical and chronological manner, using tables, figures and/or graphs.
  • Discussion. An interpretation of the results previously described should be made and new and important aspects described in the article should be emphasized, as well as comparing these results with other studies. It is a sample of the author's reflections in relation to the new knowledge generated in dialogue with existing knowledge. When appropriate, the influence or association of variables should be discussed, as well as the limitation of the data. Do not repeat in detail data or other information given in other parts of the manuscript, such as in the Introduction or the Results section.
  • Conclusions. This section expresses the opinions and concepts, supported by the results, at which you arrive after conducting the discussion.
  • Acknowledgements: They should be brief, and should not include acknowledgements to anonymous referees and editors, or effusive comments.
  • Sponsorships: indicate the sources of financial support and the code assigned to the research project.
  • References. should be numbered according to the citations in the body of the article in Vancouver format. All citations, including those in tables or figures, must be associated with the corresponding reference and directed to an active hyperlink.
  • Ethical aspects. When the publication involves contact with human beings, the procedures carried out must be indicated according to the standards of the Ethics Committee that endorsed the work, the Declaration of Helsinki, the Good Clinical Practice Guidelines of the International Conference on Harmonization and the International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects prepared by the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences in collaboration with the World Health Organization. Remember that photographs, names, codes or identification numbers of persons should not be used under any circumstances without prior written authorization from the patients (the respective authorization should be sent to the journal). In research with animals, the local and international standards that were applied in the study and that guaranteed animal protection must be declared. In any case, at the end of the section on materials and methods in research involving humans and/or animals, an item on ethical considerations should be included, specifying the name of the Ethics Committee that approved the study, the identification number assigned by said committee (if applicable) and the collection permits in the case of microorganisms, plants and animals (if applicable).
  1. 8. Bibliographic references. These indicate the original sources of the concepts, methods and techniques referred to in the text and derived from previous research, studies and experiences. In the main text they are cite with consecutive numbers between parentheses and in superindex according to the order of appearance in the text. All citations, including those in tables or figures, must be associated with the corresponding reference and directed to an active hyperlink. The summaries will not be used as references. Bibliographic references are included at the end of the article, following the Vancouver style

Articles in journals

Article.  Blobel G, Potter VR. Studies on free and membrane-bound ribosomes in rat liver. I. Distribution as related to total cellular RNA. J Mol Biol. 1967. 14;26(2):279-92
More from six authors Tamkun JW, DeSimone DW, Fonda D, Patel RS, Buck C, Horwitz AF, et al. Structure of integrin, a glycoprotein involved in the transmembrane linkage between fibronectin and actin, Cell, 1986. 46;2(18):271-82.
Collective author (author is a team).  Heart Protection Study Collaborative Group. MRC/BHF Heart Protection Study of cholesterol lowering with simvastatin in 20 536 high-risk individuals: a randomised placebo-controlled trial. Lancet. 2002;360:7-22.
Author not named. World Health Organization. Prevention of cardiovascular disease. Guidelines for assessment and management of cardiovascular risk. WHO. 2007:156-78.
Volume supplement.  Giampaoli S, Panico S, Palmieri L, Magrini N, Ferrario M, Pede S, et al. Gruppo di Ricerca dell'Osservatorio Epidemiologico Cardiovascolare. Identification of individuals at high coronary risk in the Italian population: indications of the Cardiovascular Epidemiological Observatory. Ital Heart J. 2001;2(10 Suppl):1098-106.
Part of a volumeAbend SM, Kulish N. The psychoanalytic method from an epistemological point of view. Int J Psychoanal. 2002;83(Pt 2):491-5. 
Part of an issueAhrar K, Madoff DC, Gupta S, Wallace MJ, Price RE, Wright KC. Development of a large animal model for lung tumors. J Vasc Interv Radiol 2002;13(9 Pt 1):923-8.
Issue no volumeBanit DM, Kaufer H, Hartford JM. Intraoperative frozen section analysis in revision total joint arthroplasty. Clin Orthop 2002;(401):230-8.
No volume or number. Otis M, Gallo-Payet N. Role of MAPKs in angiotensin II-induced steroidogenesis in rat glomerulosa cells. Mol Cell Endocrinol 2007; 265-6:126-30.
Pages in Roman numeralsChadwick R, Schuklenk U. The politics of ethical consensus finding. Bioethics 2002; 16 (2): iii-v.
Indication of article type when necessaryTor M, Turker H. International approaches to the prescription of long-term oxygen therapy [letter]. Eur Respir J 2002; 20 (1): 242. Lofwall MR, Strain EC, Brooner RK, Kindbom KA, Bigelow GE. Characteristics of older methadone maintenance (MM) patients [abstract]. Drug Alcohol Depend 2002; 66 Suppl 1: S105.

Books and other monographs 

Individual authors. Ringsven MK, Bond D. Gerontology and leadership skills for nurses. 2nd ed. Albany (NY): Delmar Publishers; 1996.
Editor(s). Norman IJ, Redfern SJ editors. Mental health care for elderly people. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1996.
Book chapterWilliams GF, Fulbrook PR, Alexandrow AW, Cañón-Montañez W, Halisu-Kabara H, Chan D. Nursing perspectives in intensive and critical care. In: Gullo A, Besso J, Lumb PD, Williams GF, editors. Intensive and Critical Care Medicine. WFSICCM World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine. Milan: Springer Verlag; 2009. p. 119-32.
Organization(s) as author. Royal Adelaide Hospital; University of Adelaide, Department of Clinical Nursing. Compendium of nursing practice research and development, 1999-2000. Adelaide, Australia: University of Adelaide; 2001.

Proceedings of academic conferences or events.

Kimura J, Shibasaki H, editors. Recent advances in clinical neurophysiology. Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology; 1995 Oct 15-19; Kyoto, Japan. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1996.

Electronic Material

Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis [serial on line] 1995 Jan-Mar [cited 1996 Jun 5]; 1 (1): [24 screens]. Available from: URL:
Training and human resource development. Chapter 7: Principles of learning. Available from: . Accessed January 30, 2010.



Please, download the Short Communication format 

Manuscripts of this type can be up to 3000 words (excluding abstracts, inline methods, references and figure legends) and no less than 2000 words, with a structured abstract of no more than 250 words of 3 to 6 figures and/or tables (additional figures and/or tables and Methods may be submitted as supplementary material), and no more than 25 references. Manuscripts should be submitted as Word or compatible files and continuous line numbers.

The structure of the short communication contains the same elements as the original Research and Innovation Article.

For the development of each section follow the indications given for the original innovation research articles.

  • Title in English, authors, institutional affiliation
  • Structured abstract and keywords in English.
  • Introduction
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Acknowledgments
  • Financial Support
  • References

Tables and figures numbered with their respective legends within the text.



Please, download the Systematic Review format .

Manuscripts should be submitted as Word or compatible files and continuous line numbers.

The general structure of a systematic review should include:

i) An abstract with an emphasis on the significance of recent findings: This should provide a concise overview of the review's objectives, methods, results, and conclusions, highlighting the key findings and their implications. ii) An introduction to the topic, framing the importance of the research question or hypothesis to be addressed: This should provide background information on the topic, clearly state the research question or hypothesis, and explain the rationale for conducting the systematic review. iii) A predefined protocol specifying the inclusion and exclusion criteria for scientific publications, search methods, data selection and extraction methods, as well as statistical approaches for data analysis, when applicable: This should outline the methodology used to conduct the systematic review, ensuring transparency and reproducibility. iv) Headings in the text to make it more readable: This should organize the review into clear sections, making it easier for readers to navigate and find specific information. v) The review should include a critical analysis of the literature: This should evaluate the quality, relevance, and consistency of the included studies, identifying strengths and limitations and synthesizing findings across studies.

The development of the topic is at the author's discretion, but it is recommended to include tables, diagrams, and figures to make the text more agile and offer a faster understanding of its content. In the case of using figures taken in whole or in part from other publications, the authors must attach the permission of the publishing house that holds the copyright for their reproduction in Innovaciencia.

To address the systematic review, it is suggested to rely on the protocols: PRISMA (  or JBI Although these are focused on medicine, many of their principles and guidelines are applicable and reproducible in any of the areas of knowledge. For a better understanding of how to approach a systematic review, consult the following article: Review articles: purpose, process, and structure | Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science ( 


Manuscript Selection

Manuscripts will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee and if they meet the requirements of the journal described in the author guidelines, and comply with the anti-plagiarism policies (Similarity percentage less than 20%), the author submitting the manuscript will be informed in no more than five days that their work has been received; subsequently, the version of the manuscript without authors will be sent for peer review (double-blind refereeing). It should be noted that the originals will not be returned, the Editorial Committee reserves the right to accept, reject, request modifications and make the corrections that are deemed necessary to adjust the manuscript to the style of the Journal.

The entire editorial process will be carried out by the OJS system; considering that the review of the manuscripts will be done respecting copyright and maintaining strict confidentiality of reviewers and editors. Each referee will issue a concept according to the evaluation criteria (relevance, timeliness and transcendence for the discipline, academic strength and conceptual level), formal elements (spelling, writing and structure of the manuscript parts), valuation of the type of manuscript (original article, short communication and systematic review) and a concept of rejection or acceptance, subject to major or minor modifications. Once this first round is concluded, the concept will be sent to the authors who will respond point by point and incorporate the corresponding modifications in the text. For this, you will have a period of three weeks. If there is no response, the manuscript will be withdrawn.

When a peer review with opposing concepts is presented, the Editorial Committee will send the manuscript to a third referee. Later, the Editorial Committee will decide on the publication of the manuscript. The evaluators do not know each other, nor do they know the identity of the author or the other evaluator. The originals of the manuscripts accepted for publication will remain housed in the Journal's archives for up to one year.


Manuscript Publication

The authors must submit the final version taking into account the considerations of the editorial committee, and send it electronically with all the files necessary for its layout (main text, tables, figures and supplementary material etc.)

Once all rounds of manuscript review have been completed, the form review will be carried out and sent for layout. Subsequently, editing and proofreading is carried out, for which the authors will receive the layout proofs or galleys, which must be carefully reviewed and returned with their approval or minimum and relevant observations to the Editor through the editorial management process in a maximum term of 96 hours. If the corresponding author of the manuscript does not send a response for any reason, it is assumed that he agrees with the version presented in the layout. Once the publication is made, the corresponding author will receive a notification via email informing him about the publication of the volume that contains his manuscript and its respective access link.