Rankings analysis with the Optimized Pareto method.
https://doi.org/10.15649/2346030X.852Palabras clave:
Multi-objective optimization, linearization, Pareto, ranking.Resumen
Rankings compare the performance of organizations. In many cases, rankings provide a good assessment of successful organizations. However, rankings often generate controversy and debate since they support the making decisions. A ranking is a weighted linear combination of indicators, and the weights assigned to each of the indicators can lead to different rank orders. In most cases, rankings are used as a tool to support making decisions, such as resource allocation; therefore, these decisions can be affected by the assignment of such weights. In this article, we analyze the behavior of a ranking and the weights; simulations are used to calculate the change in the order of the equally weighted ranking and of the randomly weighted ranking. In this regard, we present a discussion and ranking design alternatives.
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