A study on the impact of green HRM and green training on environmental performance and green employee motivation and efficiency in education sector
https://doi.org/10.15649/2346030X.4010Palabras clave:
green HRM, green training, environmental performance, employee motivation, education sectorResumen
The study examines how environmental performance, employee engagement, and productivity are affected by green HRM practices and green training in India's education sector. The study's goals are to find out how green HRM and green training relate to one another, how they affect environmental performance, and how they affect worker productivity and motivation. 280 academics and instructors made up the sample, which has been selected using purposive sampling procedures. Structured questionnaires have been employed to gather primary data. The results show that offering green training at educational institutions and putting green HRM methods into practice go hand in hand. “Green HRM practices” and green training also have a favorable impact on environmental performance, as shown by lower energy use, waste production, and carbon emissions. Furthermore, educators who are exposed to Green HRM practices and Green Training report increased motivation and productivity at work, highlighting the significance of sustainability efforts in raising employee performance and engagement. In order to support environmental sustainability and worker well-being, the study emphasizes the need to incorporate green HRM practices and green training programs within the education sector.
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