Didactic strategy for the training of software tests in the IT professional





software testing, engineering education, competences, experiential learning, didactic strategy


Training in software testing is relevant at different levels of engineering education, since this activity is knowledge-intensive and relevant to the quality of software products. A definition of competences is necessary to establish differentiated occupational outlets in the labor field. In the software industry it is necessary to recognize the competences to define training profiles of the academic programs associated to the software testing value chain through training strategies according to the demands of the productive sector and the challenges of higher education. Therefore, this study presents the results of a process that validates with the academy and the industry the occupational profiles and competencies of the software testing process to establish a student-centered teaching and learning process through an educational environment that calls for the experiential learning model and the maker culture.


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How to Cite

D. E. . Soto-Durán, A. E. Villamizar-Jaimes, L. F. . Bohórquez-Chacón, F. A. . Vargas-Agudelo, M. V. Poliche, and M. A. . Amaya-Mancilla, “Didactic strategy for the training of software tests in the IT professional”, AiBi Revista de Investigación, Administración e Ingeniería, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 1–12, Sep. 2022.



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