Virtual teaching strategy for teaching mathematics in times of pandemic




virtual didactic strategy, teaching and learning of mathematics in a pandemic


The objective was to analyze the virtual didactic strategies used by teachers in the area of secondary basic education mathematics within the Alirio Vergel Pacheco Educational Institution as an alternative for teaching and learning in times of pandemic. It was a qualitative, descriptive study, which included the participation of 8 informants (3 teachers and 5 students). The instrument was the semi-structured interview and the student perception survey. In conclusion, reference is made to the fact that students assume that their mathematics teachers almost never incorporate technological tools, a reality within the pedagogical practice where the teachers themselves recognize that few professionals in the area have consolidated technological skills. In the Sardinata municipality there is a deficiency of connectivity, internet signal and the provision of technological equipment. For these reasons, it is worth proposing virtual didactic strategies through a proposal that allows qualifying the realities, needs and interests; and with this, respond to the teaching and learning process at the basic secondary level, aware of the notable shortcomings in technological skills of their teachers, which is opposed to the innovative skills that their own students possess and that must be used in the best possible way. possible way.


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How to Cite

Y. Collantes-Sandoval, M. Vergel-Ortega, and O. M. Vega-Angarita, “Virtual teaching strategy for teaching mathematics in times of pandemic”, AiBi Revista de Investigación, Administración e Ingeniería, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 70–74, Jan. 2022.



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