Editorial Scope and Policies

The Revista Cuidarte is an open-access international scientific publication, mediated by external peers.  We are a Journal that disclosures scientific knowledge of nursing and other health sciences by means of the research articles publication, systematic reviews and meta-analysis involving topics of interest that promote the generation of new knowledge and that may be useful for addressing issues. In addition to research and review articles, the journal occasionally accepts case studies and reflective articles that promote the integration of theory and practice in health and medical sciences (see Submission Guidelines). Manuscripts submitted should not have been previously sent to other publications (electronic or printed). The content of the articles must meet the criteria of originality, novelty, and methodology.

This Journal is intended for researchers and professionals in nursing and health sciences.

Revista Cuidarte accepts unpublished articles in Spanish, English, and Portuguese, with submissions made online. Manuscripts submitted in English by authors who are not native English speakers must include a translation certificate. To facilitate this process, the journal offers a list of translation service providers approved by the journal (see PDF). All manuscripts submitted for publication undergo an initial review by the journal's editorial board. Subsequently, the articles are sent to two external reviewers, nationally and internationally recognized, following a double-blind review process. They will evaluate the manuscript and recommend whether it should be published or not.

Finally, the Editor-in-Chief, following the guidelines established by the journal, will evaluate the scientific contribution of the article and take into account the opinion of the reviewers to determine whether the submission is accepted, whether it can be published with modifications, whether it needs to be re-reviewed, or whether it does not meet the requirements for publication.

As of 2024, all articles are published in both English and the original language of submission (Spanish or Portuguese). In the case of articles submitted in Spanish and Portuguese, once they have successfully undergone the editorial process and have been accepted for publication, authors will be requested to translate the entire document into English and provide a translation certificate. Manuscripts translated by translation providers other than those recommended by the journal should request a quick check of their manuscript's writing style from the provider specified by the journal (see PDF for information and costs). The authors will be responsible for covering the cost of this rapid check, and the delivery time will depend on the availability of the service provider. If important writing errors are found in the translated text, the authors may contact their translation service provider with this quick check results to claim the service guarantee.

The Revista Cuidarte does not charge any fees to authors for presentation and/or submission of manuscripts and/or publication of articles.

After volume 10 (2019), the Revista Cuidarte switched to an exclusive electronic continuous publication, grouping manuscripts in volumes, for which three issues will be open and closed in each quarter of the year to structure and organize contents.

Between Vol 1(1) (2010) and Vol(2) (2018), the Revista Cuidarte had a printed version using ISSN 2216-0973. After Vol 9(3) (2018), the Revista Cuidarte switched to an exclusive electronic version using E-ISSN 2346-3414.

Edited in Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia. This Journal follows the recommendations by the Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE) about best practices in publication ethics.

The Revista Cuidarte is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0).

The Journal uses an electronic editorial manager as a tool to control the assignment of external peer reviews, from which comments and opinions are obtained through the online questionnaire form. Open Journal Systems (OJS) version 3.3 is currently used.

La Revista Cuidarte is linked to:  Indexing & Abstracts (Google Scholar, Emerging Sources Citation Index, Publindex (B), ERIHPLUS, Lilacs, Sherpa/Romeo, EBSCO-Fuente Académica)  Memberships  (Crossref, Portico, Cibere, RedEdit, Sapiens Research)

Full Text Content Aggregators (SciELO Colombia, BDENF, Rev@Enf, Redalyc, Cuiden, Cinahl, Dialnet, MIAR, DOAJ, CNKI) Directories (REDIB, ROAD, BASE)