
  • Indexación SCOPUS


    Buenas tardes estimados usuarios


    Nos complace compartir la noticia de que la Revista Cuidarte fue aceptada para indexación en SCOPUS, agradecemos a los autores, evaluadores y lectores que han favorecido que nuestras publicaciones tengan relevancia y continuaremos con nuestro compromiso de esta hermosa labor.




    Claudia Consuelo Torres Contreras

    Editora Jefe Revista Cuidarte  

    Read more about Indexación SCOPUS
  • Transición de versión al OJS


    Autores, Evaluadores, Lectores y Comunidad en General.

    Cordial saludo desde la Revista Cuidarte.

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    Esperamos su compresión en este proceso.


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  • Revista Cuidarte


    Cuidarte Journal is an open-access international scientific publication, mediated by external peers.  We are a Journal that disclosures scientific knowledge of nursing and other health sciences by means of the research articles publication, systematic reviews and meta-analysis involving topics of interest that promote the generation of new knowledge and they are useful for the solution of problems in the proposed topic. Manuscripts submitted should not have been previously sent to other publications (electronic or printed). The content of the articles must meet the criteria of originality, novelty, and methodology.

    The journal is aimed at Researchers and Professionals of Nursing and Health Sciences.

    Cuidarte Journal receives unpublished articles in Spanish, English, and Portuguese for online submission. All manuscripts submitted for its publication are initially evaluated by the Journal’s Editorial Board and subsequently by two peer-reviewers of national and international recognition (double blind review), who will recommend its publication or not. Then, the editor and/or the editorial board will define whether the submission is accepted or not, publishable with modifications, re-assessable or unpublishable, based on the Journal standards, the value of the article as scientific contribution and the opinion of reviewers.

    Read more about Revista Cuidarte
  • Revista Cuidarte


    Cuidarte Journal is an open-access international scientific publication, mediated by external peers.  We are a Journal that disclosures scientific knowledge of nursing and other health sciences by means of the research articles publication, systematic reviews and meta-analysis involving topics of interest that promote the generation of new knowledge and they are useful for the solution of problems in the proposed topic. Manuscripts submitted should not have been previously sent to other publications (electronic or printed). The content of the articles must meet the criteria of originality, novelty, and methodology.

    The journal is aimed at Researchers and Professionals of Nursing and Health Sciences.

    Cuidarte Journal receives unpublished articles in Spanish, English, and Portuguese for online submission. All manuscripts submitted for its publication are initially evaluated by the Journal’s Editorial Board and subsequently by two peer-reviewers of national and international recognition (double blind review), who will recommend its publication or not. Then, the editor and/or the editorial board will define whether the submission is accepted or not, publishable with modifications, re-assessable or unpublishable, based on the Journal standards, the value of the article as scientific contribution and the opinion of reviewers.

    Read more about Revista Cuidarte