Post-ICU Treatment Experiences of Patients with Functional Disabilities




Intensive Care Units, Disabled Persons, Rehabilitation, Home Nursing, Qualitative Research


Introduction: Understanding the experiences of patients with functional disabilities after Intensive Care Unit treatment following their return home. Materials and methods: A qualitative study was conducted using the case study as a research method. The sample of eight participants was intentionally composed and closed by theoretical saturation. Data was collected through semi-structured home interviews supplemented by field notes and diaries. Collected data were analyzed using the thematic content analysis proposed by Minayo. Results: Primary care, through home care, was the main responsible for the post-discharge follow-up of participants. From the empirical material, the categories "emotional distress and its impact on functional recovery" and "loss of family role and conflicts with caregivers" were created. Discussion and conclusions: Functional recovery of patients with functional disabilities after going through intensive care can be complex that, besides physical rehabilitation, adequate psycho-emotional monitoring, requires clarification of memories of hospitalization and professional support to the family. It is suggested that primary care staff receive training on the complexity of these patients and the creation of strategies that bring them closer to inpatient care, thus allowing shared and continuous care.

How to cite this article: Silva, Camila Zucato; Campos, Claudinei José Gomes; Jamarim, Michelle Ferraz Martins; Lima, Gerusa Marcondes Pimentel de Abreu. Vivências de pacientes diante de incapacidades funcionais pós-tratamento em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Revista Cuidarte. 2020; 11(2): e1018.

Author Biographies

Camila Zucato da Silva, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Fisioterapeuta. Mestre em Ciências da Saúde. Universidade Estadual de Campinas-

Claudinei José Gomes Campos , Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Enfermeiro. Professor Doutor da Pós-Graduação de Enfermagem da Universidade Estadual de Campinas. 

Michelle Ferraz Martins Jamarim , Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Fisioterapeuta. Doutoranda em Ciências da Saúde da Faculdade de Enfermagem. Universidade Estadual de Campinas.

Gerusa Marcondes Pimentel de Abreu Lima, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Psicóloga. Doutora em CiÊncias da Sáude. Universidade Estadual de Campinas.


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How to Cite

Silva CZ da, Campos CJG, Jamarim MFM, Lima GMP de A. Post-ICU Treatment Experiences of Patients with Functional Disabilities. Revista Cuidarte [Internet]. 2020 May 1 [cited 2024 May 19];11(2). Available from:



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