Cancer Patients and Spirituality: An Integrative Review
Patients, Neoplasms, Spirituality, TherapeuticsAbstract
Introduction: The magnitude of cancer suggests that it is a public health problem with high incidence, prevalence and mortality rates in the population, averaging 27 million new cases by 2030. Different coping strategies are used to face this situation, in which religiosity and spirituality are clearly predominant. Objective: To understand the changes in the lives of cancer patients and their behavior as a consequence of their spiritual practice. Materials and methods: An integrative review study comprising ten articles was conducted, which were obtained from the Virtual Health Library using the descriptors neoplasm and spirituality. Results: Experiencing cancer may cause feelings of guilt, sadness, failure, loss of self-esteem, uncertainty, anxiety, depression, nervousness, fear, concern and insecurity about the future because, despite today’s technological advances, such feelings continue to be attributed to cancer, intensifying the search for spirituality. Discussion: Religion and spirituality can be seen as important coping strategies providing comfort and hope in difficult times. Conclusion: Cancer patients experiencing spirituality as a therapeutic tool is not dependent on gender, age, social class, race and religion as well as the importance of spiritual practice has been proved to have a strong positive impact on the lives of cancer patients.
How to cite this article: Silva, Daniel Augusto da. O paciente com câncer e a espiritualidade: revisão integrativa. Revista Cuidarte. 2020;11(3):e1107.
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