Care with vascular access routes for hemodialysis: integrative
Adult, Renal Dialysis, Arteriovenous Fistula, Central Venous Catheters, Nursing CareAbstract
Introduction: Complications related to vascular access for hemodialysis can result in complex interventions, however, care taken by health professionals and adult patients can avoid them. The objective was to analyze the scientific production about care with vascular access used in hemodialysis for the development of the content of an educational booklet aimed at patient self-care. Method: Integrative literature review carried out in the following databases: LILACS, PUBMED, BDENF, SciELO and CINAHL. The search for studies took place between September and November 2019, in Portuguese, English or Spanish, using the terms of DeCS and MeSH. The selection of articles was performed by three researchers and information was extracted: country, year of publication, study design, number of patients, interventions, outcomes and level of scientific evidence. Ten articles processed in the IRAMUTEQ® software and descriptively analyzed using the Reinert model were selected. Results: Seven classes were organized: Catheter care after hemodialysis; Care of the AVF before hemodialysis; Care with AVF after hemodialysis; Care to avoid interruption of AVF operation; Self-care of patients with AVF; Care performed by the nursing team; Patient knowledge about skin care and AVF puncture. Conclusion: It was identified that the care with the most frequent vascular accesses is related to the arteriovenous fistula, demonstrating its great representation in the treatment of patients with chronic kidney disease. The synthesis of knowledge provided in this review was used to prepare an educational booklet that has already been validated by specialists and by patients undergoing hemodialysis.
How to cite this article: Rocha, Gabriela Araújo; Oliveira, Ana Karoline Lima de; Oliveira, Francisco Gerlai Lima; Rodrigues, Vitória Eduarda Silva; Moura, Antônio Gabriel de Sousa; Sousa, Evelton Barros; Machado, Ana Larissa Gomes. Cuidados com o acesso vascular para hemodiálise: revisão integrativa. Revista Cuidarte. 2020;12(3):e12090.
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