Effects of therapeutic touch in preterm infants receiving nasal CPAP: A pilot trial





Therapeutic Touch, Infant, Premature, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, Adaptation, Child Development, Neonatal Nursing


Introduction: Premature newborns have an immature cardiorespiratory system that hinders adaptation to the extrauterine environment. This leads to multiple complications which require interventions to improve ventilation and gas exchange, like oxygenating using therapeutic support devices such as continuous positive airway pressure or CPAP. Objective: To determine the effect of therapeutic touch on preterm newborns’ adaptation to CPAP. Materials and methods: This is a quasi-experimental study, with a sample of 13 PTNB who underwent therapeutic touch for 15 minutes in 2 daily sessions (6 am and 8 pm), with pre- and post-assessment of NOC “Preterm Infant Organization.” Descriptive analysis was performed. Results: The participants were allocated to the control group and the intervention group in a similar way. Pre- and post-intervention changes were observed, but especially in the hand posture indicator, with a difference between both groups of 0.74 with a p-value of 0.006. Conclusions: The practice of therapeutic touch with RNPT receiving nasal CPAP allows for improving the comfort of the RNPT through physiological and neurobehavioral indicators. 

How to cite this article: Valero Cárdenas Zayda Katherine, Santisteban Pérez Diego Fernando, Fernández Solano Dayana Katherine, Ojeda Olarte Anny Natalia, Carreño Porras Silvia Juliana, Villamizar Carvajal Beatriz, Sánchez Rodríguez Javier Mauricio. Efectos del tacto terapéutico en el recién nacido prematuro con CPAP nasal: una prueba piloto. Revista Cuidarte. 2022;13(3):e2356. http://dx.doi.org/10.15649/cuidarte.2356


Author Biographies

Zayda Katherine Valero Cárdenas, Egresado Escuela de Enfermeria- Universidad Industrial de Santander

Egresado Escuela de Enfermeria- Universidad Industrial de Santander

Diego Fernando Santisteban Pérez, Egresado Escuela de Enfermeria- Universidad Industrial de Santander

Egresado Escuela de Enfermeria- Universidad Industrial de Santander

Dayana Katherine Fernández Solano, Egresado Escuela de Enfermeria- Universidad Industrial de Santander

Egresado Escuela de Enfermeria- Universidad Industrial de Santander

Anny Natalia Ojeda Olarte, Egresado Escuela de Enfermeria- Universidad Industrial de Santander

Egresado Escuela de Enfermeria- Universidad Industrial de Santander

Silvia Juliana Carreño Porras, Egresado Escuela de Enfermeria- Universidad Industrial de Santander

Egresado Escuela de Enfermeria- Universidad Industrial de Santander

Beatriz Villamizar Carvajal, Universidad Industrial de Santander

Docente Escuela de Enfermeria- Universidad Industrial de Santander

Javier Mauricio Sánchez Rodríguez, Fundación Universitaria Sanitas

Facultad de Enfermería-Fundación Universitaria Sanitas. Bogotá. Colombia


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How to Cite

Valero Cárdenas ZK, Santisteban Pérez DF, Fernández Solano DK, Ojeda Olarte AN, Carreño Porras SJ, Villamizar Carvajal B, et al. Effects of therapeutic touch in preterm infants receiving nasal CPAP: A pilot trial. Revista Cuidarte [Internet]. 2022 Sep. 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];13(3). Available from: https://revistas.udes.edu.co/cuidarte/article/view/2356



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