Work-related stress and quality of life in nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic




Quality of Life, Work-related Stress, Nursing, Covid-19, Pandemic



  • Work-related stress is the set of physical and emotional reactions that appear when exposed to difficult situations and do not have the resources to face them.
  • The Covid-19 pandemic exacerbated the stressors in nursing care in intensive care units.
  • Caring for patients with Covid-19 generated a high workload for health personnel, causing a series of alterations that affected the quality of life of health professionals.
  • It is essential to evaluate the level of work stress in health professionals, as well as to design strategies to improve working conditions for nursing staff.

Introduction: Work-related stress is the physical and emotional manifestation triggered by an imbalance in coping with perceived demands. One of the workers most affected by work-related stress is the nursing staff, a situation that was exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic and could affect their quality of life. Objective: To evaluate the connection between quality of life and work-related stress in nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and Methods:  Analytical, cross-sectional study, with a quantitative approach. Descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression analysis were used for the present study. Results: A negative correlation was obtained between quality of life and stress level (r = -0,438, p < 0,01), and being a professional nurse was related to higher stress levels. On the other hand, being 31 years or older and having more than 12 months of work experience were associated with a higher quality of life score, while being female, single, divorced, or widowed and having higher acute stress scores indicated a significantly worse quality of life. Discussion:  Acute stress negatively affects the quality of life of nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic and this differs significantly according to age, sex, marital status, and work experience. Conclusion: It is recommended that the health sector authorities design policies that guarantee strategies to improve the mental health of nursing personnel, as well as to guarantee fair and dignified treatment.

How to cite this article: Díaz Hernández María Angélica, Gorrostola Camargo Angie Paola, Mendoza Romero Darío. Work-related stress and quality of life in nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic. Revista Cuidarte. 2024;15(1):e3042

Author Biographies

María Angélica Díaz Hernández, Universidad del Sinú, Montería, Colombia.

Enfermera magister en epidemiología, docente catedrática universidad del Sinú, Montería, Colombia

Angie Paola Gorrostola Camargo, IPS Cuidado seguro en casa, Montería, Colombia.

Enfermera magister en epidemiología, Montería, Colombia.

Darío Mendoza Romero, Fundación universitaria del Areandina, Bogotá, Colombia.

Magister en epidemiologia, Docente Fundación universitaria del Areandina, Bogotá, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Díaz Hernández MA, Gorrostola Camargo AP, Mendoza Romero D. Work-related stress and quality of life in nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic. Revista Cuidarte [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 16 [cited 2025 Mar. 30];15(1). Available from:

