Peplau's theory for telenursing with the family of patients with COVID-19


  • Andressa Oliveira das Chagas Morais Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho, Teresina-PI, Brazil.
  • Ana Lívia Castelo Branco de Oliveira Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho, Teresina-PI, Brazil.



Interpersonal Relationships, Telenursing, Nursing Care, COVID-19



  • Peplau's theory of interpersonal relationships gives meaning to the experience of telenursing from the perspective of nurses.
  • Through their theoretical contribution, nurses demonstrated the potential for promoting the health of patients and their families.
  • Promoting the health of family members maintains the therapeutic bond, evened spots, as important in the therapeutic process.
  • Remote nursing assistance allowed a closer relationship between nurses and families, which contributed to reducing anxiety and worries.

Introduction: The care challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic required nurses to have new skills in coping with health demands. In addition, this professional emerges as an important tool through the therapeutic relationship. Thus, they can be seen as a bridge of support between family members and patients. Objective: To know the perspective of nurses on telenursing as therapeutic in the context of family members of patients with COVID-19 and to discuss in the light of Peplau's theory of interpersonal relationships. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional, exploratory study with a qualitative approach to the data, carried out in a private general hospital in Teresina-PI, in 2022, with a semi-structured interview. Followed by a reflective structure with the use and philosophical theoretical construct of Hildegard Peplau's theory of interpersonal relationships, from 1952. Results: Nurses perceive remote assistance as an important tool for meeting the psychological and social needs of the family of patients with COVID-19. On the occasion, the nurses look at the patients' relatives experiencing the therapeutic relationship through information mediated by telenursing, which included the description of the main daily care, among other information. Discussion: Peplau's theory of interpersonal relationships gives meaning to the experience of telenursing from the perspective of nurses.  Conclusion:  The perspective of nurses on the remote therapeutic relationship with family members of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 infection involved bonding and welcoming as points of development of trust, which brought positive results to family members, given the uncertainties experienced during the pandemic.

How to cite this article: Morais, Andressa Oliveira das Chagas; Oliveira, Ana Lívia Castelo Branco de. Peplau's theory for telenursing with the family of patients with COVID-19. Revista Cuidarte. 2024;15(1):e3139.

Author Biographies

Andressa Oliveira das Chagas Morais, Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho, Teresina-PI, Brazil.

Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho, Teresina-PI, Brazil.

Ana Lívia Castelo Branco de Oliveira, Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho, Teresina-PI, Brazil.

Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho, Teresina-PI, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Oliveira das Chagas Morais A, Castelo Branco de Oliveira AL. Peplau’s theory for telenursing with the family of patients with COVID-19. Revista Cuidarte [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 19 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];15(1). Available from:



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