Frailty in elderly people with Diabetes Mellitus and associated factors: longitudinal study
Aged, Diabetes Mellitus, Frailty, Risk FactorsAbstract
Introduction: Diabetes Mellitus causes a decrease in reserves and functional capabilities. Its association with frailty syndrome leads to a gradual decline in the biological system, causing global harm to the health of the elderly population and, therefore, compromising their quality of life. Objective: to analyze the evolution of frailty and associated factors in elderly people with Diabetes Mellitus. Materials and Methods: Longitudinal study characterized by two assessments 18 months apart, involving 49 participants aged ≥ 60 years and of both sexes with a clinical diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus. In data analysis, measures of central tendency, dispersion, proportions, paired Wilcoxon non-parametric test and multiple linear analysis were used. Results: In the follow-up assessment, there was an increase in frailty and impairment of functional capacity between the two assessments. Associated factors, such as instrumental activities of daily living and the total number of illnesses, had a negative impact on the participants' frailty. Discussion: The results found in the study converge with the scientific literature related to the association of chronic diseases such as Diabetes Mellitus with increased frailty. Conclusion: The presence of a chronic disease such as Diabetes Mellitus can cause increased frailty and compromise functionality. The assessment of these conditions in health services for early identification is essential to establish assertive strategies for maintaining aging with quality of life.
How to cite this article: Rodrigues, Rosalina Aparecida Partezani; Araújo, Jakeline Silva; Araújo, Jéssica Silva; Fernandes, Daiane de Souza; Silva, Mauriely Paiva de Alcântara; Matiello, Fernanda de Brito; Haas, Vanderlei José; Fhon, Jack Roberto Silva. Fragilidade em pessoas idosas com Diabetes Mellitus e fatores associados: estudo longitudinal. Revista Cuidarte. 2023;14(3):e3191.
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