Profile of violence against the older adults in Brazil according to Brazilian capitals
Elderly, Violence, Elder AbuseAbstract
- Understanding the profile of violence becomes a tool to be used by nurses to propose intervention measures so that new cases occur.
- Knowledge, at a national level, of violence against the older adults shows that this is a problem that occurs throughout the national territory, and it is up to the country to broaden its vision of the problem.
- The existence of a properly completed and updated health information system allows nurses to be aware of the health problems in their territory.
- The information system allows new tools to be used to measure cases and even new public policies to be proposed in order to minimize the problem.
Introduction: Violence against older adults is a public health problem, being camouflaged in society due to the relationship between aggressors and victims. Objective: To analyze the profile of violence against older person in Brazil according to data from Brazilian capitals between 2011 and 2019, emphasizing the characteristics of the victims, the aggressors and the violence. Materials and Methods: This is a temporal ecological epidemiological research, collecting information from the DATASUS database of the Ministry of Health, and consulting the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN). The population was made up of older adults with reported cases of violence between 2011 and 2019. Results: The majority of cases were female, with schooling corresponding to incomplete 1st-4th grade, white, with physical violence being the most recurrent, with repetition, within the residence, and the main aggressors were the children. Discussion: The predominance of females is justified by gender /sociocultural, the majority of victims are white, consistent with Brazilian self-declaration, level of education and greater distribution of uneducated older adults. Physical violence is the most prevalent, as it is more visible, favoring its identification. Older adults spend more time at home, triggering risk factors related to the aggressors, with children being more prevalent due to family structural changes. Conclusion: The study made it possible to profile violence against the old person, exposing the characteristics of this population and identifying possible risk/protective factors; the study also made it possible to identify the importance of correctly filling out the report form and the need to readjust the physical form and the information system.
How to cite this article: Bovolenta, Larissa Cipriano; Mantovani, Julia de Lima; Frisanco, Fernanda Menegatti; Vechia, Akeisa Dieli Ribeiro Dalla. Profile of violence against the older adults in Brazil according to Brazilian capitals. Revista Cuidarte. 2024;15(1):e3233.
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