Model based on clinical characteristics to identify patients with neurogenic oropharyngeal dysphagia




Deglutition, Deglutition Disorders, Central Nervous System Diseases, Neuromuscular Diseases, Signs and Symptoms, Case-Control Studies



  • Neurogenic oropharyngeal dysphagia is a category of dysphagia, usually caused by neurological and neuromuscular entities.
  • The clinical evaluation of swallowing is an important tool in terms of its detection and characterization, which can be improved with models that integrate clinical variables.
  • The integration of clinical variables derived from medical history, symptoms, signs on physical examination of swallowing, and signs after oral food testing can be integrated into clinical models.
  • A binary logistic regression model was obtained with a good capacity to explain the phenomenon called neurogenic oropharyngeal dysphagia, powered by nine clinical variables.

Introduction: Neurogenic oropharyngeal dysphagia is a form of functional dysphagia usually caused by neurological and neuromuscular diseases, which produces several secondary complications. To improve its detection and characterization, models are emerging that integrate clinical variables to complement the physical examination of swallowing. Objective: Develop an explanatory model to differentiate patients with neurogenic oropharyngeal dysphagia. Materials and Methods: Case-control study based on a set of data derived from the clinical examination of swallowing with neurological emphasis carried out in a sample of patients with neurogenic oropharyngeal dysphagia of neurological and neuromuscular causes (cases), and in healthy people (controls).    Results: 158 clinical variables were compared between both groups, where those with the greatest classification capacity were identified, integrated into an explanatory binary logistic regression model made up of nine variables: two history, two symptoms, three physical examination signs and two signs after consistency/volume test with food. The dependent variable was the category of being healthy or patient and the covariates were the clinical variables. Parameters reached by the model: Akaike information criterion 102 and Nagelkerke R2 0.78. Discussion: The nine variables that entered the model, together, largely explain the presence of neurogenic oropharyngeal dysphagia, and are accessible by physical examination of swallowing. Conclusions: The model obtained can improve and/or complement the evaluation process carried out in patients with dysphagia of functional causes, neurological and neuromuscular diseases, in screening and diagnostic characterization processes.

How to cite this article: Suárez Escudero Juan Camilo, González Franco Sara, Franco Sánchez Isabela, Gómez Ríos Elizabeth, Martínez Moreno Lillyana. Model based on clinical characteristics to identify patients with neurogenic oropharyngeal dysphagia. Revista Cuidarte. 2024;15(3):e3861.

Author Biographies

Juan Camilo Suárez Escudero, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Medellín, Colombia. Universidad CES. Medellín, Colombia.

Línea de investigación en Discapacidad y Rehabilitación, grupo Salud Pública. Escuela de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Medellín, Colombia. Universidad CES. Medellín, Colombia.

Sara González Franco, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Medellín, Colombia.

Línea de investigación en Discapacidad y Rehabilitación, grupo Salud Pública. Escuela de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Medellín, Colombia.

Isabela Franco Sánchez, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Medellín, Colombia.

Línea de investigación en Discapacidad y Rehabilitación, grupo Salud Pública. Escuela de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Medellín, Colombia.

Elizabeth Gómez Ríos, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Medellín, Colombia.

Línea de investigación en Discapacidad y Rehabilitación, grupo Salud Pública. Escuela de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Medellín, Colombia.

Lillyana Martínez Moreno, Organización Fonoaudiológica OFA IPS. Medellín, Colombia.

Organización Fonoaudiológica OFA IPS. Medellín, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Suárez Escudero JC, González Franco S, Franco Sánchez I, Gómez Ríos E, Martínez Moreno L. Model based on clinical characteristics to identify patients with neurogenic oropharyngeal dysphagia. Revista Cuidarte [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 3];15(3). Available from:

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