Stigma and discrimination in sexually diverse nursing students: a qualitative studys
Students, Nursing, Social Stigma, Social Discrimination, Gender DiversityAbstract
- Nursing students experience stigma and discrimination in classrooms and practicum sites.
- Gender stereotypes affect nursing students' experiences during their education by limiting their gender expression.
- The university community shows resistance to sexual and gender diversity, which is reflected in negative attitudes.
- Nursing students use a variety of coping strategies, from hiding their identity to empowerment.
Introduction: Sexually diverse nursing students often face situations of stigma and discrimination within the university environment, which can significantly affect their educational experience and well-being. Objective: To understand nursing students' experiences regarding stigma and discrimination due to their sexual orientation or gender identity during their academic training. Materials and Methods: A qualitative phenomenological approach was employed. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight nursing students who identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community. The collected data were analyzed using thematic analysis with the assistance of ATLAS.ti software. Results: The participants were aged 20 to 22 years and were in their sixth to tenth academic semester. Data analysis identified three categories: stigma and discrimination, coping strategies, and university experience. Discussion: The university community, recipients of care, and workers at practicum sites display stigmatizing and discriminatory behaviors toward nursing students who are sexually diverse and break social paradigms of what is considered normal. Conclusion: Nursing students face stigma and discrimination based on their sexual orientation or gender identity during their academic training. To navigate these situations, they adopt coping strategies ranging from concealing their identity to reclaiming words insulting. The university is perceived as a safe space for expression and personal growth.
How to cite this article: Correa Uribe Bertha Lucía, Rueda Díaz Leidy Johanna. Stigma and discrimination in sexually diverse nursing students: a qualitative study. Revista Cuidarte. 2024;15(3):e4043.
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Funding data
Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Extensión, Universidad Industrial de Santander
Grant numbers FS202204
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