Perception of the ethical climate among healthcare professionals in an emergency room from southern Brazil
Ethics, Professional, Organizational Culture, Nursing, Hospital, Physicians, Emergency Medical ServicesAbstract
- The overall ethical climate and its factors were assessed as positive, except for the physician factor, which was perceived as negative among health professionals.
- The item “Physicians ask nurses for their opinion on treatment decisions” was assessed as negative, which reflects the difficulty in the relationship between nursing and medicine.
- Female health professionals, over 42 years of age, with a longer training period and with a partner perceived the ethical climate as positive.
- A positive perception of the ethical climate is a reflection of the ability to practice the profession and the search for improvements in patient care and organizational practices related to ethical issues.
Introduction: The ethical climate is defined as the shared perception among healthcare professionals of what is ethically correct behavior and how to deal with ethical issues. Objective: To evaluate the perception of the ethical climate among health professionals working in an emergency room. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional study carried out with healthcare professionals working in the emergency room of a university hospital in southern Brazil. Collection took place in January 2024 through the Positive Ethical Climate Promotion Platform, through the Hospital Ethical Climate Survey-Brazilian Version instrument. The data was organized and analyzed on the Positive Ethical Climate Promotion Platform, applying descriptive statistics. Results: 71 health professionals participated in the research, in which the general ethical climate was classified as positive (M=3.73; SD=0.60). The factors were evaluated as positive, except for the medical factor (M=3.23; SD=1.16), classified as negative. Descriptively, female professionals (p=0.063), with a partner (p=0.508), aged over 42 years (p=0.047) and with training time over 17 years (p=0.072) presented high averages for positive ethical climate, however, only age showed a significant association. Discussion: Despite the positive assessment of the general ethical climate, the importance of self-reflection and self-awareness when making ethical decisions in care is understood. Conclusion: The general ethical climate and its factors were evaluated as positive, however, the medical factor was perceived as negative.
How to cite this article: Lanes, Taís Carpes; Dalmolin, Graziele de Lima; Da Silva, Augusto Maciel; Villagran, Camila Antunez; Caram, Carolina da Silva; Magnago, Tânia Solange Bosi de Souza. Percepção do clima ético entre os profissionais de saúde de um pronto-socorro do Sul do Brasil. Revista Cuidarte. 2025;16(1):e4196.
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