Challenges of aesthetic experimentation in nursing practice at the psychiatric hospital
Nursing Care, Psychiatric Nursing, Hospitals, Psychiatric, Mental Health Services, HospitalizationAbstract
Introduction: We investigated the potential of the nursing team in the care of patients at the psychiatric hospital. We assume that nurses can increase the modes of existence in care through aesthetic experiments with the team, envisioning new possibilities for professional practice. The objective of this study is to analyze the challenges of psychiatric nursing practice based on creative experiments with the team. Materials and Methods: Qualitative research under a social-poetic approach conducted in 2017. Data were generated using artistic techniques and the group-researcher device composed of seven nurses from a psychiatric hospital of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Data were analyzed through global categorization in accordance with socio-poetics. Results: Data showed nurses distance themselves from psychosocial practices, there is hopelessness about improving the user’s health condition, and a high potential for aesthetic experiments to produce innovation in nursing care. Discussion: The categories were analyzed under Collière’s theoretical framework, namely: 1) The ability of care reduction; 2) the ability to mobilize in care; 3) the ability to perform in care. Conclusions: It is concluded that the nursing tasks have not been defined at the psychiatric hospital and nurses are not willing to change/create their practices in light of a clinic that values the hospitalized person as a citizen.
How to cite this article: Elias AD, Tavares CM, Ferreira RE. Desafios provenientes da experimentação estética para prática de enfermagem no hospital psiquiátrico. Rev Cuid. 2019; 10(3): e629.
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