Some climate-change aspects to be considered for the survival of living organisms: a systematic literature review




Climate Change, Global Warming, Ecosystem, Health, Climate


Introduction: The problem of global climate change that the planet is experiencing must be continually shown so that countries achieve an objective and consistent view, and plans and policies for environmental management are expeditiously developed. The aim is to provide –on a consolidated and up-to-date basis– information on climate change to be considered in decision-making concerning its impact on survival. Materials and Methods: Work was based on the literature review about climate-change aspects in the survival of life on earth; physical (libraries) and virtual (Bireme, Medline, PudMed, Scielo) databases were queried for this purpose. Results: Five key elements to be highlighted from the review: The evidence of climate change; climate change itself and its media construction; climate, its change and impact on health; global policy and climate change; and ecosystems conservation in Latin America. Discussion: Climate change is based on broad theoretical framework that must be shown in concise and up-to-date manner to contribute to decision-making about the mitigation of and adaptation to its adverse impacts on the survival of life on earth. Conclusions: Any action for the prevention, mitigation or adaptation to climate change requires current information to ensure its success after implementation, due to the diversity of impacts and vulnerability suffered by populations in different regions around the world.

How to cite this article: Bastidas GA, Hernández R. Cambio climático algunos aspectos a leonsiderar para la supervivencia del ser vivo: revisión sistemática de la literatura. Rev Cuid. 2019; 10(3): e664.

Author Biographies

Gilberto Antonio Bastidas Pacheco, Universidad de Carabobo.

Médico Cirujano, con curso medio en salud pública, Maestria internacional en salud pública y gestión sanitaria, Maestria en Gerencia de la Educación, Maestria en Protozoologia y Doctorado en Parasitología.

Rafael Hernández, Universidad de Carabobo

Ingeniero Quimico como Maestria intenacional en Estudios Ecológicos y Gestión Ambiental.


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How to Cite

Bastidas Pacheco GA, Hernández R. Some climate-change aspects to be considered for the survival of living organisms: a systematic literature review. Revista Cuidarte [Internet]. 2019 Sep. 13 [cited 2024 Nov. 22];10(3). Available from:



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