A Comparative Study of the Professional Qualification of Nurses Working at Primary Health Care Centers and Hospitals
Professional Qualification, Nurses, Cursing Care, Nursing Education, Nursing Human ResourcesAbstract
Objetive: To compare the participation of nurses working at primary health care centers and hospitals in education courses and activities for their professional qualification. Materials and Methods: A quantitative, cross-sectional, descriptive-analytical study was conducted by using the chi-square test. This research was carried out at a general hospital and basic health units located in a capital city in northeastern Brazil. A total of 140 nurses participated in the research held between May and September 2014. Results: Among participants, 92.8% were women, 62.0% were aged 40 to 59 years old, 67.8% were married, and 92.3% of those working at the two study sites held a lato sensu postgraduate course. Most of the nurses working at the Basic Health Units reported that they had participated in courses and educational activities, while those working at the hospital had less significant participation. Discussion and Conclusions: Nurses who participated in educational activities reported changes in their workplace related to their attitude and professional performance.
How to cite this article: Santos, Tâmyssa Simões; Bragagnollo, Gabriela Rodrigues; Tavares, Clodis Maria; Papaléo, Ledi Kauffmann; Carvalho, Lucyo Wagner Torres; Camargo, Rosangela Andrade Aukar . Qualificação profissional de enfermeiros da atenção primária à saúde e hospitalar: um estudo comparativo. Revista Cuidarte. 2020; 11(2): e786. http://dx.doi.org/10.15649/cuidarte.786
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