Globalization in a social inequality context: how to ensure global health?
Globalization, Development, DemocracyAbstract
We can approach globalization from the perspective of impacts or defects, abundance and wealth or poverty and misery, where the rich increase their fortune while the poor drown in their penuries. These are some thoughts that crossed the minds of students and teachers of the doctorate in nursing at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil, after reading the “Globalization, Poverty and Health” article, the critical analysis of the film “Encounter with Milton Santos or the Global World Seen from This Side” and the debate on the book “Globalization and Social Sciences”.
Globalization is a process of economic, social and cultural development that has bloomed in the past two or three decades and entails the strengthening of social relations that connect distant countries, fostering the rapid dissemination of local events that can be accessed by anyone around the world. However, many authors and organizations continue to criticize this process. Almost-irreversible inequalities have settled in developing countries, making us reflect on the extent to which economic, political, and cultural discrepancies among human beings are acceptable in the light of the ethical and moral concerns.
How to cite this article: Alvim AL. Globalização no contexto da desigualdade social: como garantir a saúde global? Rev Cuid. 2019; 10(3): e810.
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