Peritoneal drainage as a treatment for malignant ascites: a literature review




Peritoneal Drainage, Ascites, Neoplasms, Palliative Care


Introduction: Malignant ascites is the abnormal accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity as a consequence of pathologies such as cancer. It is also a trigger factor for a symptom cluster (pain, dyspnea, loss of appetite, nausea, reduced mobility and changes in physical appearance) that becomes a clinical problem that is difficult to deal with. One of the treatments aimed at improving this condition is the therapeutic paracentesis, a medical procedure that uses a drainage technique that sometimes requires repeated practice. It can be a refractory symptom that leads to the requirement of the implantation of a peritoneal catheter as a palliative measure to improve the quality of life of patients and their family. Materials and Methods: A review of the existing literature was carried out in which an initial search was established obtaining 747 articles, of which 277 were classified as potentially relevant, which were later verified to meet the inclusion criteria. After filtering information and deleting duplicated articles, 8 studies were included in the literature review as they were found to meet all these parameters. Results: The peritoneal catheter technique is 100% successful without immediate complications, being an optimal palliative measure for patients with refractory ascites as it ensures device durability greater than 30 days. In addition, it is easy to use by professionals, patients and families, which allows outpatient management reducing costs, readmissions for late complications that are potentially preventable and identifiable such as filtration, displacement, infections, occlusion of the device, and hospital complications, which provide immediate comfort and symptom control. Discussion and Conclusions: Based on the results obtained in this review, the optimal peritoneal catheter is defined is as a palliative measure in the treatment of malignant ascites symptoms triggered in patients with advanced oncological pathologies, allowing an improvement in the quality of life of people.

Como citar este artículo: Fiscal LM, Salazar VE, Oviedo CP, Gavilán DM, Carmona X. Drenaje peritoneal como tratamiento de la ascitis maligna, una revisión de la literatura. Rev Cuid. 2020; 11(1): e919.


Author Biographies

Lucely Marisel Fiscal Idrobo, Universidad El Bosque

Hospital Universitario San José de Popayán. Universidad El Bosque. Bogotá, Colombia.

Victoria Eugenia Salazar, Universidad El Bosque

Clínica de Occidente. Universidad El Bosque. Bogotá, Colombia.

Cindy Paola Oviedo Segura, Universidad El Bosque

Organización Clínica Bonnadona Prevenir de Barranquilla. Universidad El Bosque. Bogotá, Colombia.

Diana Milena Gavilán Martínez, Universidad El Bosque

Clínica Reina Sofía. Universidad El Bosque. Bogotá, Colombia.

Xiomara Carmona Montoya, Universidad El Bosque

Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe. Universidad El Bosque. Bogotá, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Fiscal Idrobo LM, Salazar VE, Oviedo Segura CP, Gavilán Martínez DM, Carmona Montoya X. Peritoneal drainage as a treatment for malignant ascites: a literature review. Revista Cuidarte [Internet]. 2020 Feb. 15 [cited 2024 May 18];11(1). Available from:



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