Employee indifference towards workplace: An investigation on extended remote working as an antecedent
https://doi.org/10.15649/2346030X.3433Palabras clave:
COVID 19, employee indifference, gender, remote work, work from home, workplaceResumen
One of the most difficult tasks faced by the firms during the COVID19 period is managing work processes while permitting workers to work remotely is indifference, which has rarely piqued the attention of researchers. This research explores the influence of extended remote working on employee indifference to the workplace. A quantitative research approach has been used to accomplish the objectives. The data was obtained through well-structured questionnaires distributed to 369 IT employees in Kerala, India. To test the research hypotheses, regression analysis, and moderator analysis were used. Extended remote working positively correlates to employee indifference to the workplace and gender acts as a moderator for this relationship. This study is likely to lead to research insights in the area of remote working and employee indifference to the workplace. The study explored the existence of indifference to the workplace and also found that extended remote working positively influences indifference to the workplace.
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