Reflections for the construction of environmental epistemology in the twenty-first century.


  • Eder Orlando López-Castro Instituto Pedagógico Rural Gervasio Rubio IPRGR-UPEL



Globalization, Modernity, Rationality, Sustainable Development and Environmental Epistemology.


Environmental issues in the twenty-first century have had diverse positions especially in the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary nature of the factors that allow their approach, understanding and explaining the socio-natural reality on a global and local level, becoming an indispensable factor for the construction of the environmental epistemology in this postmodern time. Due to this fact , in this essay we focus some ideas about the historical foundations that incorporate the theme of globalization, modernity, environmental soundness of Leff and sustainable development of the Brundtland report as an important international section to a variety of anthropogenic actions generated during the twentieth century that have contributed to alter the balance in the ecosystem dynamics. Besides, to recognize some problems Boff sets in "The Earth Charter" related to the overexploitation of resources, ecology, mercantilist thought, economist and predatory capitalist model that has not only affected the natural system but also the social system. For that reason it is that these reflections are held to have a holistic view between human-nature and society be implications for the dynamics of this new century based on ethical commitment with civic responsibility, participation and taking decisions in the field of politics, culture, economy, under the schemes of rationality that points towards the sustainability of the planet in all its dimensions.Finally with this text we recognize the role of education for building the environmental epistemology, the study of complex thought and the stage on which are new challenges to achieve the transformation of a civilizing model committed to nature, the earth planet "our common home" and human development.

Author Biography

Eder Orlando López-Castro, Instituto Pedagógico Rural Gervasio Rubio IPRGR-UPEL

Profesor en Educación Rural egresado del Instituto Pedagógico Rural Gervasio Rubio IPRGR-UPEL. Magister Scientiae en Frontera e Integración de la Universidad de Los Andes- ULA-Táchira. Escolaridad Aprobada en la Maestría de Educación, Ambiente y Desarrollo.


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How to Cite

E. O. López-Castro, “Reflections for the construction of environmental epistemology in the twenty-first century”., AiBi Revista de Investigación, Administración e Ingeniería, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 35–39, Jan. 2016.



Reflection Articles


  • Citation Indexes: 1
  • Readers: 18
