Strategic planning for the strengthening of selfmanagement in rural schools.


  • Nelly Carolina García B Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL)-Venezuela


Strategic planning, rural school, autogestion.


This research was conducted in the border state of Táchira (Venezuela) with the North Santander Department of Colombia,
in rural schools of Rafael Urdaneta Municipality. Qualitative methodology was used in the form of Research-Projective and the
Phenomenological-Critical approach to science, as it seeks to collect information in the proper context in which the issue lives, addressing
to 6 rural teachers with experience in the field of educational self-management. Techniques / instruments were used: observation / field
notes and semi-structured / interview with a dash of 17 questions, which yielded the following categories: relationship between ideologyscience self-managed, self-managed diagnosis, process planning, ownership paradigm in education, benefits, teaching self-management
difficulties, conceptual perspectives, core values and self-managed organization. Also emerged the factors affecting self-management: the
teaching initiative, leadership or management, working capital or investment, land availability, strategic planning, zonal support, climate,
weather, community participation, demand, assessment of products , corresponding permits, provision of equipment and tools, technical
assistance, resource management obtained, interagency agreements, transportation, communication, services, infrastructure, and product
variability provider market, in the context of study is required to activate the self because is stagnant

Author Biography

Nelly Carolina García B, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL)-Venezuela

Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL)-Venezuela


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How to Cite

N. C. . García B, “Strategic planning for the strengthening of selfmanagement in rural schools”., AiBi Revista de Investigación, Administración e Ingeniería, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 25–38, Jan. 2014.



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