IP PBX as a communications service integration tool for UFPS based on ITIL best practices.


  • Carlos Eduardo Pardo-García Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Nelly Rosana Diaz-Leal Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Claudia Yamile Gómez-Llanez Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander




Cloud Computing, ITIL Management, TIC Service Methodology, Convergent Networks, Telephony Server, SIP, Softphone, IP Voice


Voice telephony over the IP Internet Protocol (VoIP) provides benefits in the implementation, allowing communication between company users, branches and other stakeholders representing savings; this technology being a trend in business telephone communication and enabling the transmission of human voice through data transmission networks.
Deepening into this technology and its benefits, a telephone exchange is designed for the Systems and Information Technology Department as a pilot model at the Francisco de Paula Santander University, offering VoIP services. This model is feasible to extend to the headquarters Cúcuta and other offices and dependencies geographically dispersed as; Los Patios, CREAD (Regional Centers for Open and Distance Education) and the Ocaña Section.
In this implementation of the PBX (Private Branch Exchange), it is considered to apply good practices for the management of information technology services ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) that allows to achieve the quality and efficiency in the operations associated with the communications solution proposal.
The advantage of this type of technology is the savings for the organization that implements it, due to the VoIP is transmitted through the organization's data networks and it is possible to route strategic services through the Internet network that are integrated with customer service systems and call centers, via open solutions or owners of the institution. In addition, the service is optimized with cloud hosting, centralizing administration, maintenance and management which will result in low cost economic benefits and easy scalability.
The project from the institutional perspective is important, since it is a communication system which seeks to improve customer service and aiding the people involved in the organizational processes, ceasing the use of personal communication means in work activities.


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How to Cite

C. E. Pardo-García, N. R. . Diaz-Leal, and C. Y. . Gómez-Llanez, “IP PBX as a communications service integration tool for UFPS based on ITIL best practices”., AiBi Revista de Investigación, Administración e Ingeniería, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 74–79, Sep. 2020.



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