Metaconceptual foundations for the creation of personalized learning scenarios in mathematics
personalized learning scenarios, mathematics, metaconceptsAbstract
Personalized learning scenarios as an approach in the educational field visualize learning from various metaconceptual edges for the production and dissemination of knowledge in today's learning society. In this sense, the objective of the research was to expose the metaconceptual foundation when modeling personalized learning scenarios in mathematics. In addition, it promotes the empowerment of actions in teachers and students in achieving academic goals despite adversities. The methodological foundation was consolidated through the qualitative paradigm in line with the phenomenological approach. The experiential information of the informants was obtained through the in-depth interview and the survey. The interpretive method of constant comparison led to an intuitive analysis procedure that allowed triangulating and contrasting the information in order to converge on integrating metaconcepts such as: metacognition, metadidactic, metaaffective, and metatechnological.
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