The video tutorial; Mathematical problem solving competency generator.
mathematical competence, video tutorial, probabilityAbstract
The mathematical competence, problem solving, that students present at a higher level is a worrying issue and this is reflected in the various courses they take during their degree, including Statistics. The study was carried out with the objective of analyzing how the video tutorial influences the acquisition of problem-solving competence. For this analysis, we worked with two groups, control and experimental, of 25 students each. The development of the research consisted of a prior evaluation to verify the homogeneity of the groups; Subsequently, the teaching strategy was implemented to the experimental group, and finally the acquired knowledge was evaluated. Regarding the results achieved, a significant difference was observed in the students who used the video, obtaining better academic performance. Likewise, a relationship was proven between the level of cognitive performance achieved in mathematical problem-solving competence with the implementation of the tutorial videos in the students of the Statistics Applied to Business I course on the topic of Probabilities. It was found that the teaching tool helped to raise the academic performance of the students by improving the development of conceptual or lower abilities. Likewise, the academic performance of the students improved in the development of procedural or superior abilities in problem solving.
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