Effects of Shift Work and Coping in Hospital Nursing Professionals
Adaptation, psychological, Shift Work Schedule, Nursing, team, Occupational Health, Work Schedule ToleranceAbstract
Introduction: Coping responses can influence the adaptation of health care professionals to shift work, contributing to the maintenance of health and quality of life. Thus, this study aimed to verify the association between coping and the effects of shift work on the health of nursing professionals. Materials and Methods: This was Cross-sectional study, conducted with 124 nursing professionals in a university hospital between August and November 2014. The Shift Work Coping Strategies questionnaire was used as an instrument for assessing the effects of shift work on the health and quality of life of participants. Data were statistically analyzed, considering a significance level of 0.05. Results: An inverse association was observed between the effects of shift work and the total coping score (p = 0.003). Coping domains showed direct correlations with quality-of-life domains (p <0.05). Among participants, 46 (37%) professionals reported having effects of shift work on their health. Discussion: The use of coping contributes to a lower occurrence of the negative effects of shift work on health, among these, cognitive functions, sleep, eating and gastric habits, and stress. Also, being able to cooperate to maintain psychic and physical well-being, work adaptation, and better quality of life. Conclusions: By understanding the relationship between coping strategies and the effects of shift work on health, several means can be identified to promote better working conditions and maintain the physical and psychological well-being and health of nursing professionals.
How to cite this article: Antoniolli, Liliana; Souza, Sônia Beatriz Cócaro de; Macedo, Andreia Barcellos Teixeira; Dal Pai, Daiane; Magalhães, Ana Maria Müller de; Magnago, Tânia Solange Bosi de Souza. Efeitos do Trabalho em Turnos e Coping em Profissionais de Enfermagem Hospitalar. Revista Cuidarte. 2021;12(2):e1169. http://dx.doi.org/10.15649/cuidarte.1169
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