Honneth: Contributions to Nursing Care in Light of Love, Rights and Solidarity
Nursing care, Nursing, Philosophy, Philosophy, Nursing, HospitalsAbstract
Introduction: Understanding the intersubjective relationship that permeates nursing care requires mutual recognition between nurses and patients and/or families. Therefore, a reflection on the construction of the human being based on love, rights and solidarity is required. Objective: To reflect on knowledge and practice of nursing care based on respect for the three forms of recognition, love, rights and solidarity, defined by Honneth. Materials and Methods: A comprehensive literature review and search in electronic national and international databases were carried out using controlled descriptors and related terms. The Struggle for Recognition: The Moral Grammar of Social Conflicts was also used for this study. Results: 16 articles were selected to be included in this review. The results addressed nursing practice in the face of choice/rejection of care based on mutual respect, legalities and reflections on subjective complexity and patient autonomy. Discussion: From a nursing care perspective, love, rights and solidarity are considered in the literature as a historical and social construction mutually recognized as well as an intersubjective relationship between nursing professionals and patients, thus seeking to establish respect for human dignity and autonomy. The lack of respect for such relationships leads to subject dehumanization and demoralization. Conclusion: Respect for love, rights and solidarity dimensions contribute to recognizing nursing care and patient autonomy.
How to cite this article: Jesus, Stefhanie Conceição de; Farias, Carolina Huller; Schneider, Dulcinéia Ghizoni; Schoeller, Soraia Dornelles; Bertoncello, Kátia Cilene Godinho. Honneth: Contribuições para o cuidar em enfermagem à luz do amor, direito e solidariedade. Revista Cuidarte. 2021;12(1):e1201. http://dx.doi.org/10.15649/cuidarte.1201
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