Stress Perceived by Nursing Students during the Mandatory COVID-19 Lockdown
Stress, Psychological, Coronavirus, Students, Health OccupationsAbstract
Introduction: Academic stress is a physiological, emotional, cognitive and behavioral response of students to some stressors such as the global COVID-19 pandemic. Objective: To determine the level of stress perceived by nursing students at a Colombian Caribbean university during the mandatory COVID-19 lockdown. Materials and Methods: An analytical study was conducted with 398 nursing students at a Colombian Caribbean university, who completed two instruments, a sociodemographic questionnaire and the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10). Results: Average stress rate was 18.83 5.19, indicating a mild level of stress but being lower in older students (30-34 and >=35 years) (P= 0.00). Women had a slightly lower rate of perceived stress compared to men (P=0.04). Students living in rural areas showed to have higher stress levels. Discussion: This study revealed the impact of three months of restrictions during the COVID-19 lockdown in a population of young university students who have interrupted their in-person educational training to online training, causing academic stress in the study population. Conclusion: Younger men showed higher levels of stress compared to women, decreasing as their age increases. Living in rural areas may become a stressor for students.
How to cite this article: Muvdi Muvdi Yolanda, Malvaceda Frías Eynick, Barreto Vásquez Marisol, Madero Zambrano Kendy, Mendoza Sánchez Xilene, Bohórquez Moreno Cristina. Estrés percibido en estudiantes de enfermería durante el confinamiento obligatorio por Covid-19. Revista Cuidarte. 2021;12(2):e1330.
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