Association of sleep quality with treatment adherence and glycosylated hemoglobin levels in women with diabetes
Sleep, Treatment Adherence and Compliance, ; Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2, Women, Glycated hemoglobin AAbstract
Introduction: Type 2 diabetes is considered a public health problem mainly affecting women, that combined with poor adherence to therapeutic treatment and poor sleep quality increase this health problem. Objective: To determine existing associations between sleep quality, adherence to therapeutic treatment and HbA1c levels in women with T2D from a community in Puebla. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive correlational study was conducted using a sample calculated at 0.05 level of significance, 0.30 correlation coefficient and 90% statistical power to obtain n=110. Instruments used were personal data forms, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Martín-Bayarre-Grau (MBG) Questionnaire to assess therapeutic adherence and Eclipse A1c analyzer. Results: A negative significant relationship was found for sleep quality with HbA1c levels (rs=-.355; p=.001), but not for the treatment adherence treatment variable. Discussion: Retrieved data is in accordance with other studies reaffirming indirectly all biochemical reactions occurring during sleep deprivation. Conclusions: Findings herein contribute to the strengthening of the scientific side of nursing oriented to care improvement, which will serve for the design of interventions promoting healthcare in women with type 2 diabetes.
How to cite this article: Simental-Oliva Ingrid Carolina, Baez-Hernández Francisco Javier, Nava-Navarro Vianet, Flores-Merlo Marcela, Morales-Nieto Arelia, Zenteno-López Miguel Ángel. Relación de la calidad de sueño, adherencia al tratamiento, hemoglobina glucosilada en mujeres con diabetes. Revista Cuidarte. 2022;13(1): e1996.
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