Ecological study of gestational and congenital syphilis in Colombia, 2012-2018
Syphilis, Congenital, Gestational Age, Prenatal Care, Epidemiological MonitoringAbstract
Objective: To describe the behavior of pregnancy and congenital syphilis in Colombia between 2012 and 2018 according to national notifications records. Methodology: An ecological exploratory study was conducted based on notifications to the public health surveillance system. The incidence rate and prevalence ratio were estimated for each department. Each estimate was established per ranges for 33 departments evaluated and expressed in grayscale maps based on rates and ratios evaluated. Epidemic curves by week of notification for pregnancy and congenital syphilis are also shown. Results: Arauca, Santander, Cesar and Caldas had the highest increase in pregnancy syphilis between 2012 and 2018 while Santander, Casanare and Amazonas had an increase in congenital syphilis during the same period. Other departments had a decrease in these events. Significant differences were found in case reporting from year to year in both events in the country (p<0.001). Conclusions: In Colombia, an increase in pregnancy syphilis was found while a variability with an increasing trend was found for congenital syphilis in recent years.
How to cite this article: Becerra-Arias Carolina, Alvarado-Socarras Jorge Luis, Manrique-Hernandez Edgar Fabian, Caballero-Carvajal Jhondrisson Alexis. Estudio ecológico de la sífilis gestacional y congénita en Colombia, 2012-2018. Revista Cuidarte. 2022;13(1): e2326.
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