Validation of an intervention to strengthen nursing students’ self-care




Validation Study, Health Education, Self-care, Students, Nursing


Introduction: Self-care is one of the concepts to be strengthened in future nurses from a learner-centered education perspective. Objective: To estimate the validation of an educational strategy through both experts and the target population judgment. Materials and Methods: The research followed a convergent parallel sequential mixed qualitative quantitative approach. In the qualitative phase, analysis of lexical similarities and hermeneutic phenomenological analysis was carried out with six students. The quantitative phase included opinions from ten experts; CVI and arithmetic mean were calculated to assess pertinence, coherence, relevance, and clarity. The Brennan-Prediger coefficient was used for measuring agreement. Results: Relationships between action inducement and introspection of self-care behaviors are identified. Overall CVI was 0.96, with a mean of 3.7±0.4. Regarding agreement, the item ‘specific objectives’ was the one that showed a p-value of 0.054 and a coefficient of 0.37. Concerning clarity, the lowest mean (3.4±0.8) and CVI (0.8) values were observed. The remaining items have a p-value >0.05. Discussion: In validating the educational intervention by the experts, a content validity index was obtained with values higher than desirable. This result is similar to that reported by other authors whose information was rated as sufficient and necessary. Conclusion: The educational intervention has the criteria for content validity according to both experts and the target population, as manifested by the reflection on the transformation of some self-care behaviors in nursing students.

How to cite this article: Bravo Gomez Moises Alfonso, Vargas Rodriguez Leidy Yemile, Arenas Cardenas Yury Marcela, Lopez Solano Mauricio, Rivera Carvajal Raquel. Validación de una Intervención para Fortalecer el Autocuidado en Estudiantes de Enfermería. Revista Cuidarte. 2023;14(2):e2540.

Author Biographies

Moises Alfonso Bravo Gomez, Universidad de Santander

Magister en Educación, docente Asistente, Universidad de Santander, Facultad de Salud, Grupo de investigación EVEREST, Bucaramanga-Colombia

Leidy Yemile Vargas Rodríguez, Universidad de Boyacá

Magister en Enfermería (c), docente auxiliar, Universidad de Boyacá, Facultad de Salud, Grupo de investigación HIGEA, Boyacá-Colombia

Yury Marcela Arenas Cardenas, Universidad de Boyacá

Magister en Enfermería, docente auxiliar, Universidad de Boyacá, Facultad de Salud, Grupo de investigación HIGEA, Boyacá-Colombia

Raquel Rivera Carvajal, Universidad de Santander

Magister en Epidemiología, docente Asistente, Universidad de Santander, Facultad de Salud, Grupo de investigación EVEREST, Bucaramanga-Colombia.


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How to Cite

Bravo Gomez MA, Vargas Rodríguez LY, Arenas Cardenas YM, Rivera Carvajal R. Validation of an intervention to strengthen nursing students’ self-care. Revista Cuidarte [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 28 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];14(2). Available from:



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