Nursing management in Santander: Own knowledge or health administration?
Atención de Enfermería, Gestión en Salud, Teoría de EnfermeríaAbstract
In Santander, there are important healthcare institutions with a high level of complexity. Nursing is professionally represented and organized in these institutions through care management sub-directorates, units, or departments. In almost all these entities, teaching and care processes are developed to improve the quality of management of care through different strategies. However, there is still evidence of adherence to administrative practices of other disciplines to implement and evaluate the functions performed by nursing professionals. Some approaches to applying nursing knowledge at the level of care have been reported, such as evidence-based nursing and the nursing process. However, it is important to point out that there are few published experiences, and many of the publications are more than 10 years old, so there is a need to know the current panorama of care management in Santander.
It is necessary to strengthen the definition, implementation, and evaluation of care management, which, according to the different experiences found, has limitations such as time and low adherence of some professionals, among others, which would lead to strengthening nursing leadership.
How to cite this article: Cáceres Rivera, Diana Isabel; Rincón Romero, Mayerli Katherine. Gestión en Enfermería en Santander: ¿conocimiento propio o administración en salud?. Revista Cuidarte. 2023;14(2):e3067.
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