The pattern of personal knowledge identified in narratives of nursing professors




Nursing, Nursing Care, Narration


Introduction: Disciplinary knowledge can be evidenced in nursing situations. Carper proposed four patterns of knowledge in 1978: empirical, ethical, aesthetic and personal; the latter allows the professional to know himself/herself to act in relation to others. Objective: This study aims to identify the dimensions of the personal knowledge pattern based on narratives constructed by professors of the Nursing Degree in the Universidad del Cauca. Materials and Methods: A qualitative phenomenological study was conducted, which included the preparation of data collection, data collection, organization, analysis and synthesis, summary, implications and results. Two professors participated with their narratives as they were considered representative for the program in relation to quality and content. In addition, interviews were carried out and focus groups were created in the process of complementarity analysis. Results: The patterns of knowledge in Nursing are indivisible and they can be identified through narratives. The dimensions of the personal knowledge pattern in our context involve 1. Humanization of care revealed through personal knowledge; 2. Confidence for care, concerns and questions from nurses; 3. I as a person, I as a nursing professional: expressing feelings, emotions, roles and believes; 4. Therapeutic use of themselves in nursing.  Discussion and Conclusions: Considering the link established in caring relationships, self-knowledge is fundamental in Nursing. Therefore, it is important to address it from a research, education and practice approach.

Como citar este artículo: Muñoz YMA. Patrón de conocimiento personal identificado en narrativas de profesores de Enfermería. Rev Cuid. 2019; 10(2): e688.

Author Biography

Yaneth Marcela Muñoz Angel, Universidad del Cauca


Magister en Educacion

Especialista en Administracion Hospitalaria

Especialista en Auditoria y Garantia de la Calidad en Salud con enfasis en Epidemiologia

Coordinadora y Profesora del Programa de Enfermeria Universidad del Cauca



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How to Cite

Muñoz Angel YM. The pattern of personal knowledge identified in narratives of nursing professors. Revista Cuidarte [Internet]. 2019 May 3 [cited 2024 May 17];10(2). Available from:



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