The experience of cancer patients and nursing care




Neoplams, Qualitative Research, Nursing, Patients, Nursing Care


Introduction: A large number of people now live with cancer at any stage of the disease, in addition to all physical, emotional and socio-cultural effects that this pathology involves. This study explores the experiences of both patients diagnosed with cancer and nursing care to allow the understanding of the completeness of the disease process. Materials and Methods: A qualitative meta-analysis using mainly meta-data and meta-synthesis was conducted on 12 articles selected prior to a comprehensive review of criteria for methodological rigor in credibility, auditability, and transferability. The databases used were ISI Web of Knowledge, PubMed, and SciELO. Results: Living with cancer implies 1) Developing adaptive capacity; 2) Rediscovering emotions; 3) Experience treatment effects; 4) Dissociating mind and body. Discussion: The experience of cancer is a complex social and human phenomenon, which defies the individual right to health of people in the healthcare field, marked by high mortality and disability that have been associated and established by social determinants of health. Conclusions: The experience of cancer patients is undoubtedly a complex dynamic that will always benefit from the qualitative exploration of its existence, in which the analysis of the findings provided as a whole undoubtedly contribute to transcend and better understand the phenomenon of cancer. This represents important challenges for nurses in respect of perfecting their competencies to deliver humane, comprehensive and specific care.

Como citar este artículo: Hermosilla-Ávila A, Sanhueza-Alvarado O. La vivencia de los pacientes con cáncer y el cuidado de enfermería. Rev Cuid. 2020; 11(1): e782.

Author Biographies

Alicia Hermosilla-Ávila, Universidad del Bío Bío

Universidad de Concepción, Universidad del Bío Bío. Concepción, Chile.

Olivia Sanhueza-Alvarado, Universidad de Concepción

Facultad de Enfermería, Universidad de Concepción. Concepción, Chile.


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How to Cite

Hermosilla-Ávila A, Sanhueza-Alvarado O. The experience of cancer patients and nursing care. Revista Cuidarte [Internet]. 2020 Feb. 10 [cited 2024 Nov. 25];11(1). Available from:



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