Retaining knowledge of external ventricular drain by nursing professionals




Knowledge, Inservice Training, Cerebrospinal Fluid, Nursing Care


Introduction: Hydrocephalus is a common complication among neurological patients whose treatment in acute cases is done through an external ventricular drain catheter which allows monitoring and controlling intracranial hypertension. This study aimed at describing the knowledge retention by nurses after an educational intervention on nursing care for an external ventricular drain. Materials and Methods: A quasi-experimental study with nurses at an adult intensive care unit was conducted in which knowledge retention on the topic was evaluated at different three times: before, one week and three months after training. Results: After one week, significant retention was observed but not after three months, given that after this period the question success rate was significantly low with respect to the previous phases. Participants’ performance was better in those questions related to system management. Discussion: Time is a factor that interferes with learning since studies show that knowledge at three months significantly decreases and is almost completely gone after six months and a year. Practical behaviors based on assistance guidelines have better retention among professionals, underlining that it is easier to learn technical skills that are associated with professional experience. Conclusions: A significant knowledge retention was observed among professionals in the first week after training but not after three months.

Como citar este artigo: Souza RCS, Siqueira EMP, Meira L, Araujo GL, Bersaneti MDR. Retenção de conhecimento dos enfermeiros sobre derivação ventricular externa. Rev Cuid. 2020; 11(1): e748.

Author Biography

Regina Claudia da Silva Souza, Hospital Sírio Libanês Núcleo de Novos Conhecimentos

Nucleo de Novos Conhecimentos 

Doutoranda da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo



How to Cite

Souza RC da S, Siqueira EMP, Meira L, Araujo GL, Bersaneti MDR. Retaining knowledge of external ventricular drain by nursing professionals. Revista Cuidarte [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 19 [cited 2024 May 18];11(1). Available from:



Investigation Article



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