Stigma, discrimination, and treatment adherence: social representations of people with tuberculosis
Tuberculosis, Social Stigma, Delivery of Health CareAbstract
Introduction: Tuberculosis is a disease surrounded by stigmas, taboos, and misconceptions that affect people as they may experience possible discrimination. This study aimed to analyze the social representations of subjects affected by tuberculosis on the basis of the experience of discrimination and stigma related to the disease. Materials and Methods: A descriptive exploratory qualitative study was conducted with a population composed of individuals diagnosed with tuberculosis, residents of the city of Cajazeiras (PB), from which seven subjects were selected for the sample. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews including identification data and questions about the social representation of tuberculosis. The results were examined through thematic content analysis based on the Theory of Social Representations. Results: The creation of the following thematic categories was identified: living with tuberculosis: conceptions about the disease; family and social context; the most excruciating pain: distancing; treatment and its particular dimensions; support or lack thereof by healthcare services. Discussion: Stigma and discrimination lead to poor adherence to TB treatment. Conclusions: Success in treating neglected, communicable and biased diseases such as tuberculosis partly depends on how affected individuals are received in family and social settings and by healthcare professionals during their diagnosis and treatment.
Como citar este artigo: Braga SKM, Oliveira TS, Flavio FF, Véras GCB, Silva BN, Silva CRDV. Estigma, preconceito e adesão ao tratamento: representações sociais de pessoas com tuberculose. Rev Cuid. 2020; 11(1): e785.
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