Social representations of nursing through nurse prescription in the primary healthcare network




Primary Health Care, Chile, Nurses, Male, Drugs Prescriptions


Introduction: Considering that a parliamentary motion seeks to modify the health code to allow nurses to have the legal power to prescribe drugs and health devices, it is necessary to analyze the social representation that primary healthcare nurses give to prescription. Objective: To describe the figurative (representation field), symbolic (information) and affective (attitudinal) nursing components by means of nurse prescription used by primary health care nursing professionals. Materials and Methods: A descriptive qualitative research with a grounded theory research design was conducted with eight nurses from the primary healthcare network through a semi-structured interview. Results: Five categories were created based on the social representation of nurse prescription: care management, social benefits of prescription, prescription restriction, professional nurse training in prescription, and value attributed to the prescription. Discussion: Primary care nurses perceive the prescription phenomenon as a nursing indication that is influenced by factors associated with undergraduate pharmacology training and work experience, similar to that reported in some studies in Ibero-America. Conclusions: Nurses consider that nurse prescription is a positive element for care delivery, contributing to the resolutive capacity of healthcare. However, adequate training and clear legal support are required to do so.

Como citar este artículo: Álvarez RSM, Álvarez ERM, Malhue FST, Moncada CRR. Representaciones sociales del cuidar mediante la prescripción enfermera en la red de atención primaria de salud. Rev Cuid. 2020; 11(1): e798.

Author Biographies

Roberto Álvarez San Martín, Universidad Santo Tomás

Antropólogo (Universidad Austral de Chile), Magíster en Educación mención Pedagogía para la Educación Superior (Universidad Santo Tomás, Chile), con estudios de postítulo en Gerencia Pública (Universidad Internacional SEK, Chile), diplomado en Estudios de Género (Universidad de Chile), diplomado en Pedagogía para la Educación Superior (Universidad Santo Tomás, Chile).

Experiencia en docencia universitaria en temas de género, políticas públicas, pueblos indígenas, antropología. 

Perito antropólogo para la Defensoría Penal Pública en materia sociocultural, con especialización en contexto mapuche.

Ha publicado diversos artículos sobre género y políticas publicas, pueblo mapuche, y peritajes antropológicos en la justicia penal.

Docente adjunto Facultad de Salud y de Ciencias Sociales en la Universidad Santo Tomás, sedes de Temuco y Osorno (Chile),  Facultadv de Salud Universidad Arturo Prat sede Victoria (Chile) y Universidad Católica de Temuco (Chile, 2006 a 2016).

Edgardo Renán Álvarez Muñoz, Universidad Santo Tomás

Interno de Enfermería.

Fernando Sebastián Malhue Torres, Universidad Santo Tomás

Interno de Enfermería

Camilo Rodolfo Moncada Rivera, Universidad Santo Tomás

Interno de Enfermería



How to Cite

Álvarez San Martín R, Álvarez Muñoz ER, Malhue Torres FS, Moncada Rivera CR. Social representations of nursing through nurse prescription in the primary healthcare network. Revista Cuidarte [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 19 [cited 2024 May 18];11(1). Available from:



Investigation Article



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